Chapter Thirty-Two

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Three days later, I sat on the couch, scrolling through tumblr while Jenny worked on her book. She had been working on it for almost six months now. Her fingers were flying over the keys. She must have hit a large inspirational wedge last night.

"How's the book coming?" I asked politely.

"Great," Jenny said evasively. "Heard from Shelby lately?"

"No," I replied. Why didn't she want to talk about her book?

Literally just as I said this, my phone rang. "Holy shit," I muttered, picking up the vibrating device. I looked up at Jenny. "It's Shelby."

"No-- way--" smiled Jenny.

I nodded, and answered the phone. "Heeeey, Shelby!"

"Hey, hey, hey, Lilletty!" She called me by my nickname. Well, one of many.

"We were literally just talking about you," I said.

"Really?" She asked. "Wondering how Leo and I are doing?"

"Actually, no," I snorted.

"Well, just so you know," Shelby said loftily. "We're doing amazing. I couldn't ask for a better boy to be married to."

"That's awesome," I said, smiling. "But, no. Actually, Jenny and I were discussing the fact that we've heard of a lack of babies coming from the Sheo household! What happened to the plan of having sixty children?"

It was quiet on the other end for a moment. Then, Shelby said slowly, "Well, we may not have sixty yet... but we do have one on the way."


"You're joking. You gotta be joking."

Five minutes later, I had reconnected with Shelby. When she told me the news, I'd dropped my phone, and the battery had popped out because my case sucked and my phone was old and shit.

Now, I had called her back and we had resumed our conversation.

"No," Shelby said in a small voice. "We got the test results this morning. We have a little baby on their way."

"Wow--" I gasped, running my hands through my hair. "Shelby, that's-- oh my gosh, that's amazing! Congratulations! Are you excited?"

"Well," Shelby sounded thoughtful. "At first, I was terrified. But now that I think about it, there's a little... well, a little person forming inside me. That sounds strange, but you don't really understand it until it happens. You get this protective feeling, this extremely passionate love. It's already almost as much love as I feel for Leo. It's absurd."

"That sounds like quite a ride," I said with a smile.

"Oh, it is," Shelby sighed. "I've had morning sickness twice already, and I've been craving the strangest things. I asked Leo to make me a peanut butter and pickle sandwich! Like, when would I ever eat that?" She laughed. "I hope that doesn't mean that my baby will like peanut butter and pickle sandwiches!"

"Oh, I hope not," I pulled a face. "That sounds gross."

"Oh, yeah, it was practically impossible to choke down," Shelby waved off the comment. "But it really scratched the itch."

"Gross!" I laughed.

"I know!" She snorted.

We continued to make small talk for over thirty minutes. Finally, she said that she had to go watch a movie with Leo, so we hung up. I put the phone down, turned to Jenny, and screamed.

Yes, I know. How incredibly girly of me. But, hey. Sometimes those annoying stereotypical things are really relieving!


"Oh, hey," Jenny said, checking her phone. "Caspar and Joe are hosting a New Year's Party at their place this year! They said we can come."

"Sounds fun!" I replied. "I'm down!"

It was two days later. Shelby had given us updates on the pregnancy.

I think I felt a kick today. Either that or it was the sandwich.

Oh my gosh I'm pretty sure the baby poked me today!

I didn't have the heart to tell her that there probably was hardly even a fetus formed yet.

"So... that's tomorrow night, yeah?" I asked.

"Uh-huh," nodded Jenny.

"Who all is going?" I inquired.

"From what I can pick up," Jenny said. "You, me, Joe, Caspar, and the other people they invite."

"Ha ha ha," I said drily. "Thanks, miss comedy. No, but really."

"Umm," she thought about this. "Dan, Phil, Alfie, Zoe, Jim, Tanya, Marcus, Niomi, Louise, Pj, Chris, and some other friends. So we're gonna meet some new people!"

"This is exciting!" I cried.

"Ewww, social interaction," Jenny stuck out her tongue. "I think I'm allergic."

"Says the girl with a boyfriend who millions of teenage girls adore," I retorted.

"Yeah, but I'm not Phil, am I?" Asked Jenny cheekily.

In response, I hit her with a pillow.


"I like your dress," I complimented Jenny.

We were getting ready to head to the party. Jenny was wearing a red-and-black striped dress that flared at the waist with a pleated skirt that went to just past her knees. She wore knee-high black lace-up boots, and a black cardigan. She'd curled her hair. In the end, she looked stunning.

"Thanks," she smiled. "You don't look so bad yourself, Lilly."

I was wearing a blue, white, and navy blue checked dress. It clung to the waist, and about and inch of the waist was made of lace. Then, it flared out in a skirt. I wore teal flats, and pulled my hair over in a side braid.

"Why, thank you, milady," I teased her.

"Anything for you, my darling," crooned Jenny, playing along. She offered me her arm. I took it, and she led me out of the flat and into her car.

"Ready to go?" She asked me, turning her key in the ignition.

"You know," I said. "It's probably better to ask that before we leave the house."

Jenny shot me a concerned look.

"Yes, Jenny, I'm ready to go," I said, patting her knee. "Now, come on, or Caspar'll start the party without us!"

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