Chapter Thirty-Eight

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My first instinct was to scream, "You're joking!" However, I knew that Jenny would never joke about something like this. Besides, the ring glittering on her finger was proof enough.

"Oh my gosh, Jenny, that's fantastic!" I shrieked. "I need details! Come on, sit down, tell me what happened! Play-by-play!"

Jenny still looked a little dazed as she wandered over to the couch and sat beside me. She looked up at me, then down at the ring on her finger.

"Jenny," I said calmly. "Please snap out of it. You're getting married."

Jenny suddenly blinked, looked at me again, and screamed at the top of her lungs. "I'm getting married!!!"

"Yes, yes you are," I laughed. Then I shook Jenny by the shoulders. "Come on, woman! Tell me the epic tale of unrequited love-- whatever the heck that means!"

"Okay, okay," Jenny couldn't stop smiling. "Here it is."


Jenny met Phil at the London Eye. He was dressed up very nicely in a semi-formal tux.

"Well, don't you look charming?" She said when she was within earshot.

"Well, a very special girl deserves a very special outfit!" Phil grinned. He offered his arm. "Now, come on. Let's go for a loop."

The line to get on the London Eye was about ten minutes long. Phil got antsy. "We're gonna miss the sunset!"

"Phil," Jenny reassured him. "It's alright. Who cares if we miss the sunset? I'm just enjoying spending time with you."

This calmed him down considerably. When the finally got aboard a capsule, many angry murmurs were heard from the crowd. "Just two people?" They hissed. "This better be important!"

"Oh, trust me, it is," Phil muttered under his breath.

"What was that, Phil?" Jenny asked.

"Oh, nothing," he said quickly, shutting the capsule door. "Let's just enjoy the view."

They sat in silence, watching the city of London as it sank farther and farther below them. Jenny's stomach started to churn. She should stop looking below... but she could just imagine the London Eye escaping its machinery, rolling through downtown, crushing everything, including Jenny and Phil themselves... she pictured Lillette looking up in horror as the capsule smashed through their lounge wall. She saw Dan shouting as he was smushed, right in the middle of filming a new video for his channel. And Joe's limp form, being thrown--

"Hey," Phil said, taking Jenny's hand. "We're fine. I won't let anything hurt you."

"Okay, Phil," Jenny tore herself from the view, and instead stared into Phil's eyes. Much better. "I trust you."

"That's good," he grinned. "Trust is very important in a relationship, you know!"

"Well, we're set for life, then," giggled Jenny.

Phil led her back over to a bench, and they sat down. Jenny rested her head on Phil's shoulder and closed her eyes. "Phil," she mumbled. "I love you."

"I love you more," Phil replied, running his fingers through her hair.

"Lies," she slurred sleepily.

"Hey, don't go falling asleep on me!" Phil said, snapping his fingers under her nose.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Jenny yawned, opening her eyes and stretching.

"Jenny, I kind of wanted to talk to you," Phil said awkwardly.

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