Chapter Twenty

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One hour later, Joe and I were sitting on the couch, laughing while watching some of Joe's old videos.

"Oh my god, this is so cringe!" Joe cracked up.

"Look at your hair!" I snickered.

Suddenly, I saw something. The YouTube Boyband -- It's all about You(tube). I pointed at it. "Joe, what's that?"

Joe stared at it, then his cheeks heated up. "Um, nothing," he said quickly, trying to close the laptop. I grabbed the lid of his laptop, stopping him, then clicked on the video.

It started out with black screen, then a garage door started to open, revealing five pairs of shoes. Letters flashed on the screen: It's all about You(tube) by the YouTube Boyband.

I continued to watch Joe, Alfie, Marcus, Caspar, and Jim Chapman all sing in a silly spoof of every boyband music video ever. Joe buried his face in his hands, making little groaning noises of embarrassment while I watched, a smile on my face.

Finally, the video finished, and an end screen came up with the five boys asking everyone to donate to a charity.

"I didn't know you could sing!" I exclaimed, shoving Joe slightly.

"Surprise," he said weakly.

I started scrolling through the comments and nearly choked with laughter.

Omg Joe is so dreamy

1. Joe
2. Marcus
3. Jim
4. Alfie
5. Caspar

They sound so good! They should release an album!!!!

Raise ur hand if ur only here for Joe's voice

Omg their faces

They look like their having so much fun!

Better than 1D by far!

"Oh my god," I cracked up. "This is so beautiful. Why didn't you want me to see it?"

"It's so awkward!" Cried Joe, sitting up. "None of us can actually sing!"

"Yes, you can!" I cried. "Here, sing for me."

"I'm not just gonna sing on comm--"

"Joe, sing!"

"Lillette, I really don't want--"

"Sing! Sing! Sing!"

"Oooooh, nooooo!" Joe whimpered.

"Sing! Sing! Sing!"

"What would I even sing?"

"Here, I'll sing with you!"

Joe frowned. "What are we gonna sing?"

I sat up and wailed, "Cuz baby now we got baaaaad blooooood!"

"No," Joe said firmly. "Here, I'll find a song."

"Why don't we just sing that?" I asked, referring to the video.

Joe hemmed and hawed, but finally gave in. He cleared his throat, uncomfortable, and we started the song.

"It's all about you...
It's all about you, baby.
It's all about you...
It's all about you.
Yesterday you asked me something
I thought you knew.
So I told you with a smile,
It's all about you.
Then you whispered in my ear,
And told me, true,
Said you'd make my life worthwhile,
It's all about you."

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