Chapter Eleven

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On the top of the London Eye, I stuffed my face with cotton candy while orange light slanting through the glass capsule turned Dan's face red.

"This has been a great day," I murmured.

"That's what I said in my tweet, isn't it?" He smirked at me.

I blushed, looking down at my feet. Dan suddenly sat up, pointing. "We're on the very top of the London Eye!"

I turned, and gasped. London stretched out for miles in every direction, sparkling in the fading light. My breath caught in my throat. The beauty was stunning.

"I can't believe I'm here with you," I heard my mouth say. Why did I say that!? Idiot!

Dan glanced at me, startled. Then he grinned. "I'm glad you are, Lillette."

Thank God he took it well... what were you thinking, saying that!?

I looked out at the sprawling city. "We're very high up, aren't we?"

"Yeah," Dan coughed. "I haven't been on the London Eye in a year. Last time, it was after Phil and I returned to London after visiting America for VidCon."

I smiled. It sounded like he had such fond memories of his hometown. Well, not quite hometown. But close enough. I thought back to my hometown, back in America... I wish that I could think so highly of my hometown.

Don't think about that! I scolded myself. That's in the past!

"You okay?" Dan asked, seeing the frustration on my face.

"Fine," I mumbled. Then I took a deep breath, turned to Dan, and forced a smile. "Let's just enjoy the view."

He nodded.

We sat in silence as the London Eye traveled down. We'd been on a flight for about 20 minutes, which meant we had about 10 minutes left. For that time, we sat in silence, simply drinking in the view. I snapped a few pictures of the streaks of Orange that were vanishing into the horizon. In one of the pictures, Dan is sitting, staring out at the horizon. It's quite artsy, actually.

I posted this photo on my Instagram. "Watching the Sun set from the top of the London Eye with this gentleman!"

As we neared the earth again, Dan stood up, stretching his legs. I followed his example. He stepped a little closer to me, seeing as I was closest to the exit panel. There were only inches between our faces.

"I've had fun, Lil," Dan whispered.

"I have... too...." I mumbled back, staring up into his warm, chocolate-brown eyes. Then my eyes flickered down to his lips, then back into his eyes. Oh, God....

Dan started to lean in, his lips just inches from my own. This isn't real, I'm dreaming, oh my god....

Just as his lips barely brushed mine, the exit panel opened and I jumped backwards. My heart was pounding. No. No. This can't happen. It shouldn't happen!

"Come on, you two," the maintenance man said. I jumped off the capsule, which was still moving, then Dan jumped down after me.

I rushed off the platform, eager to be back in the bustle of London, surrounded by people. I checked my phone. It was a quarter to seven. We needed to eat.

Dan caught up with me, a frustrated look on his face.

"So," I said loudly. "How does Chinese sound?"

"Great," Dan replied in an equally loud gone. "I know this great little place, it's only a block from here. Follow me."

We started down the pavement. We didn't mention what had just happened on the London Eye. It might as well have not happened. I had crushed on Dan since seeing his videos, but never in a million years would I have guessed he would like me. As much as I wanted it, I refused to allow myself to fall for him. I'm just a fan. There are tons of other fans that he might fall for, but I just got here first. I won't let that be the reason he fell for me.

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