Chapter Six

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I walked into the building, and smiled at the Secretary at the desk.

"Here for the auditions?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Go on through," she waved me by.

I walked through another set of doors, into a waiting area. Several people sat there, which different levels of dress. Some were wearing extravagant dress clothes, others simply baggy sweaters and sweatpants. I took a free seat in between a girl and a boy.

The girl had long, straight, blonde hair, and big blue eyes. The boy had short, black hair, and brown eyes.

I had grabbed my resume, just in case, right before leaving. I placed it on my lap, and waited. I should have brought my book, I told myself.

At the end of the hallway was yet another set of doors. I assumed the auditions took place beyond those doors. As I thought this, a woman stepped out, wearing a sensible dress skirt. "Erin McCoy?" She called.

The girl who sat next to me stood up. She wore a black tank top, black skinny jeans, and knee-high black boots. Her hair was down, but had a dark brown streak in it. She walked forward.

"In here, dear," the woman said. Erin walked past her, into the room.

I wondered what role Erin was trying out for. She had looked cool and intimidating, like a secret agent. Then it hit me. She was probably auditioning for the lead role, a girl named Amanda. In the script, Amanda and Rachel were best friends. Which meant that if Erin got the role, and I got my role, we would be spending a lot of time together.

Ten minutes passed. Then the woman appeared again. "Joseph Tarrin?"

The boy next to me got to his feet. He was dressed in a leather jacket and light jeans. He must be auditioning for Amanda's love interest, Kai. Interesting.

He was also in there for about ten minutes, then the woman reappeared. She called another name, then after that, another....

Finally, she came back and called, "Lillette Baker?"

Relieved, I got to my feet and walked into the audition room.

Once inside, I felt nervous. There was a panel of six people in front of me, four men and two women. A photographer stood next to them.

"Hello, miss Baker," said the photographer. He smiled and shook my hand. "I'm just going to take a few headshots, then I'll turn you over to the board, and they'll take your audition from there."

"Okay," I chirped, smiling. I liked this photographer.

"So, first, I'm gonna ask you to stand up straight, face the camera, big smile...."


"Perfect! Please turn to your left, drop the smile...."


"Turn to your right, that's great...."


"Okay, just one more, face me please, natural resting face... great!"


"And you're done!" The photographer smiled.

The woman who had brought me in walked over to me and gave me a packet of paper. "Here is the scene we will be running through today. Your lines are the highlighted ones. Begin whenever you feel ready."

I took the script and flipped through it for a few moments. Let's see how well I could deliver these ice-breakers....

I took a deep breath.

"This is all your fault, Amanda!" I cried. "I wanted to stay home and watch The Walking Dead, but nooooo, you just had to take the free samples!"

Someone from the board muttered, "As if you even care. All you ever do is follow me around."

"Excuse you?" I exclaimed, placing a hand on my heart as I feigned hurt. "If I remember correctly, I was the one who got you a job at Burger King!"

"She's not normally like this, sorry," the monotone voice said.

"And she's not normally a stuck-up goody-two-shoes who can do no wrong," I scowled. "Oh wait...."

"If you're so against being apart of something that could save the President's life, just go home."

"It's not that I'm against saving our holy leader's life," I protested. "But I'm just thinking, I hardly think I'm the right person for this! The most I've ever been responsible for is the neighbor's cat, and she never even payed me! She acted as if the cat had actually died... psssh, I saved her in the end... but that's not the point!"

A different voice, this one male, intoned, "Rachel, I'm sure you will be fine. We'll help you out, and besides, you can take care of yourself just fine. But we seriously need to get going. Come on! And don't be so uptight."

"Says the guy in red, white, and blue spandex," I mutter.

"And, Scene!" A voice calls.

I lowered the script, feeling pretty confident. However, all six of the people on the panel show no emotion on their face. My smile vanished. Crap, I think. I screwed it up. I'm not getting the role. They hated me.

"You may go," one of the men says. "Don't call us. We have your contact information, we will call you."

I nod. "Thank you," I say, barely audible.

The woman who brought me in shows me out of the door. I run through the last hallway, just wanting to get out of this building. I pull my ponytail out, my hair loose and blinding me. Tears well up in my eyes. There goes my chances as an actress, I think miserably.

Just as I stretch out my arms to burst onto the street, I crash into someone. We both go sprawling.

"Oh God!" I swallow hard. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

"No, it's totally fine!" A gravelly female voice says. "I know, you just came from an audition. Those things are tense! I had one, too, I know how you're feeling."

I get to my feet and brush my hair back. The girl who had been sitting next to me before my audition is crouching in front of me. Her hair is frazzled, and her eyes wide. She still looks intimidatingly beautiful, but her eyes are watery and there is smudged mascara around her eyes.

"Oh, you're Erin," I say bluntly.

She laughed breathily. "Yeah, that's me. Who are you?"

"My name is Lillette," I smile. "I'm auditioning for Rachel."

"I auditioned for Amanda," Erin tells me.

"I know," I reply.

We are quiet for a moment. Then Erin gets to her feet. She held out a hand and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Lillette," she says with a smile.

"Same to you, Erin," I grin. "I hope you get the part."

"I hope you get yours."

Then she smiles one last time, turns, and leaves the hallway. It's raining outside. Again.

I take a moment to calm myself. I carefully wipe my eyes, then open the door and step into the cool rain. I stand there, letting the torrent wash over me. Soon, I'm drenched. I spread my arms and smile into the downpour.

Hey guys, so this chapter is pretty short, but I promise I'll have another up soon. This one was pretty much just her audition. Thank you for reading, please vote and comment if you want Erin to become friends with Lil, enemies, or just co-workers. Thank you, I'll update soon! Also, check out my Harry Potter fanfic, called "Full Moon". Thanks!

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