Chapter 72

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Tyron is being nice and romantic  towards Yolandy. Things seem to be going the way he wants it.

Yolandy has started developing feelings for Tyron. In the States, Rashell meets with her friends. Kane, Dylan, Sun, Darwin, Natania and Jason to say goodbye.

They meet at one of Jason's family pubs. They drink ,have fun , hug and take pictures.

It's Friday and Rashell and her family are  moving their things to the car. They sit, buckle their seatbelts and head to the airport.

On the other side, Jason and Kane have visited  Tyron's mum and his sister in Chicago. For Dylan and Sun, Rashell asked them to stop searching for Tyron.

Rashell's phone is on silent mode and  in her bag. They keep calling but nothing.

At the airport with their bags, they hurry to check in. They take first class to France.


" She's not answering."
" Her phone is off now."

" So Miss Brie, Tyron is in Singapore? Why didn't he inform us?"

" I thought he did. He's there purposely for business and I doubt he'll be back soon."

" Do you hear from him?"

" Through his dad but not often . I'm sorry you guys didn't know and had to come all the way here to find out. He'll definitely tell you his reasons one day."

" M'am, the donations are ready."
" Sure."

" I'm busy now. Let's talk another time. Thanks for passing by and don't worry about Tyron, he's fine."

" Thanks for having us and our regards to him."

" I'll let him know."

They leave and head back to New York. They inform Dylan and Sun about it and they're surprised Tyron knew and kept it to himself.

Five months now ... Singapore

The five months for Tyron to make the family rise to trillionaires is due but they're still billionaires so eventually, he couldn't hit his target.

" Dad it's five months now. I tried my best... Isn't it enough??"

" No. There's nothing like enough when it comes to business. We made a deal, the five months is up and  you couldn't fulfill your part of the deal."

" But dad, you know it's impossible to be that rich within five months. It's not some jackpot you hit. It'll take time so please, let me go. You can take it up from here. Like you've been doing for the past years."

" You're right. But we made a deal. You couldn't do it so it's either you marry Yolandy Clark or.."

" I stay here till I make us trillionaires??"
" Exactly."

Tyron falls back into the sofa and looks at his dad.

" You tricked me, didn't you?? Or I wasn't smart enough to do something quickly....?"

" You weren't smart and a deal is a deal. You signed a contract, you can't just end it until it's over. I'm sorry son, but it's a choice and an opportunity. It's in your hands now."

He pats his back and leaves. Tyron horrified rubs his hands on his face continuously.

He can't believe he's trapped in Singapore for life. Who knows? He might marry Yolandy and later divorce her to be with Rashell which will cost him his life perhaps.

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