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I woke up and made Julianne and I breakfast.  Once she left for school,  I called Laura and told her what house my brother would most likely accept from us. I suggested she might want to ask our families and friends too. This way neither of them would say no. She agreed. I told her I mentioned it to julianne and we would see it on Friday once she was out of school and Julianne wanted to drive us. She wanted to get more miles on her truck so she could eventually take a trip with her cousins and their friends to go camping.  We would go to but would let them have some freedom. After all they were teenagers and had a few Years before they graduated and left for college, trade school or something. We both agreed this wouldn't be easy and new to us both.  I ended the call and called the maid's,  a party rental company to rent tables,  chairs and a tent to sit 180. I figured this would be big enough for people to move around and be comfortable.

Laura met me at the party rental place along with Izzy so we could see what color scheme she wanted to go with. I purposely didn't invite my mother because I didn't want Laura to go along with my mother's ideas. My mother had a good heart but was also pushy and opinionated.

The three of us went. She informed us that her and Frankie decides on blue and white. We ordered the linens and balloons to  be done.  Of course, it was a short notice and cost more.  We all left to have lunch at the hospital with Frankie and Maura.  We showed them what was chosen and the cost.  Frankie took a deep breath when he saw the cost.  Izzy and I told him that hopefully this would be his only marriage so don't be a baby and breath.  Maura was happy.  They left and the three of discussed the text that Maura sent out. Everyone thought the idea of all the adults chipping in for the house was a great idea. We just hope my mother wouldn't blow it. I kissed Maura and the two of us left for our home.  Izzy had to go back to work and begin making the wedding cake.  The maid's were cleaning and excited about the party. Maura and I included them to be guests with their spouse or significant other.

Julianne: Mom I am home and school was okay.

I recall the feeling of being a newbie even with people I knew in high school wasn't easy. She said she was thirsty and school work to do. She said she liked the idea of everyone pitching in.  She said this way her aunt and uncle couldn't say no. She showed me a flag for the yard she bought today for them at the mall as her own gift to them.  She showed me it.

I knew they would love it

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I knew they would love it. She would put it up in the yard once the three of us decided what home to get. I started working on dinner for us two.

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