Chapter 49

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(The last of the manga spoilers)

Jyugo's pov;
"It's exactly what you're thinking. I planned that incident in order to frame him." He said.

"So you're inside of Enki too, huh... Just like me." I said.

"That guy got in the way of our research. What's wrong with handing out punishment for that? I won't forgive anyone who gets in our way, no matter who it is. That goes for hypocrites who mistake themselves for being just, too. I'm gonna give those guys a taste of something worse than death. They're some of the people who let you get away before, after all. Isn't it funny? The man who was once called a hero, Enki Goku, will now be arrested for the crime of murder. Even if I was the one who caused it, just who could prove that? Who would believe it? Killing someone Is the same as killing any connections and trust you had. It was so exhilarating, watching him lose popularity and trust one after another and getting abandoned by this world. I love watching guys like that. It's so hilarious seeing someone getting betrayed by everyone around them and having their sense of justice smashed to bits. Enki and Noriko have truly gone unrewarded not that they could be rewarded. No matter how powerful you are or how just you act, if you aren't accepted, the world just sees you as a monster and gets rid of you. Even if they're allies of this world, it won't be the same for them. Those two were merely wrong in their way of believing. It's truly a foolish story. You'll understand one day too, Jyugo. As long as you're me, you won't be able to change this situation. No matter how much lip service you give, in the end-" I covered his mouth.

"That's enough, shut up." I said.

Hajime's pov;
"You can think whatever you want of me, but there's one thing I wanna ask you. What are you planning to do to number 15? I get that your supposed sister borrowed your body and tried to dispose of number 15. But what about you? At least tell me that." I asked.

"I will dispose of number 15." He said.

I walked over to him and punched him in the face. It sent him flying until he crashed into the wall. I stood in front of him. "Listen up, I'm gonna say just one thing. No matter what kind of reason you guys have, number 15 is under my care. I don't care if he's a monster or whatever. You're not the ones who gets to decide what to do if number 15 turns out to be dangerous, I am. Outsiders and people from other buildings don't have the right to do whatever they want. It's seriously pissing me off. I don't care who you are, if you get in the way of my work anymore than this I'll kill you." I picked him up by the collar of his shirt and kneed him hard in the stomach. "It'll be bothersome if that woman uses your body to come back, too. If I take out the source, then that itself will have a harmful effect, right? Even though you're a guard, you're here for your sister's sake. Saving? Protecting? Give me a break. Everything you assholes are doing is just self-satisfaction and self-sacrifice. Don't drag me into worthless shit like that. I'm sick of going along with your self-satisfaction. You think anything goes so long as you can prove the justness of your own actions. You don't care even If you die. Did you think you'd definitely get rewarded if you found proof before you died? A guy who can save everyone except himself died while howling splendidly. Something like that is no different than running away. And in particular, because of your feelings of guilt towards your sister, you've got no will of your own. What's really beyond saving is how you're full of excuses covered up by niceties. You can't say that someone who doesn't live for themselves is truly living. If your faith is to die while carrying such guilt, then I'll kill you right now." I dropped him onto the floor, and he looks up at me with his hand around his throat.

"You can't... Anymore than this is... I'll take care of things somehow... So please" He talks to who I suppose his sister. A blueish green ki went around his body before a huge blast came at me. I dodged to the side and looked back to his sister taking over her brother's body again. "I... Won't let you... Take anything else I'll end it." She said in between breaths.

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