Chapter 54

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Warning- Injuries, blood.

If I made mistakes please let me know, and I'll fix it.
Hyakushiki's pov;
~The next day~
In the middle of working on my paperwork, my door bust open. "Warden!".

I look up to Mitsuru running towards my desk. "Damn it, Mitsuru knock before entering.".

He stops in front of my desk. "We have a problem.".

"What is it? Did Hajime steal your Gameboy again?" I asked.

"No, this is serious. The guards on the wall, sent me a message to give to you." He said, before pulling out a paper from his pocket and hands it to me.

[We spotted an unmarked helicopter coming towards our direction, and we saw a guy with the details of Sammy]

My eye's widen and I looked back at Mitsuru. "Put all guards on high alert immediately! Number 06 and 07 must be under protection.".

"Yes, ma'am!" Mitsuru said, before running out of my office.

I grabbed my office phone and called the police station. It rings a few times, then someone answers. "Police station, the sheriff speaking.".

"Sheriff, this is warden Hyakushiki from Nanba prison. We spoke on the phone awhile back, about the cage fight owner Sammy." I said.

"Yes, I remember." He said.

"You guys need to get down here. A few of my guards spotted a unmarked helicopter coming towards our prison with Sammy inside." I said.

"We'll there.. Oh before I forget, there's something I need to tell you." He said.

"What is it?" I asked.


Y/n's pov;
~Outside training grounds of building 13~

"Hey," I look over my shoulder to Dean standing there while I'm stretching In the middle of the field.

"What's up, Dean?" I asked.

"Have you noticed the guards are acting more on edge than ever?" He asked.

I look around and noticed the guards are on edge, and noticed that there's armed guards everywhere. "Yeah, I'm noticing it too." I said, as other inmates noticed.

Out of no where, the wind became stronger and it sounds like a helicopter. I look in front of me to a helicopter hovering over us. I slowly stood up to my feet.

"So he finally showed his face." Dean said.

"Well we were warned." I said.

Sammy pokes his head out with something In his hand. "Finally fucking found you both! Your play time Is over, time to come home!".

"Man, you look terrible! Did the weed and alcohol finally get to you!" I yelled.

"Very funny!" Sammy said.

"Number 06, 07 get over here now! Inmates get back now!" Hajime yelled.

Sammy looks back inside, before me and Dean started running back. Someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me back. My back hits a built chest and the person grabbed onto my hair roughly and put a big knife pressed against my throat.

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