[160] WHAT Is Going On In Vedas?

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Beginning of Season 2

Chapter 160: WHAT Is Going On In Vedas?

The next day was busy for Aqua, as he focused on training himself and his family. Now that he was a Sage, he could tap into other Paths, so he focused on that.

All the while, Kuoh Academy was surrounded by a magical barrier of high grade as a grand meeting unfolded in the Occult Research Club. The club's lights were fancy, fitting to Rias' taste, and tonight those overhead chandeliers cast long shadows across the faces of those gathered.

It was late at night, and the room's air was oozing with tension. Representatives of the Three Biblical Factions—Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels—sat around a massive, ornate table, their expressions a mixture of concern and contemplation.

Sirzechs Lucifer, the crimson-haired Satan of Destruction, adjusted his position at the head of the table, his gaze sweeping over his counterpart. Serafall Leviathan was also present there since to be fair, a meeting like this fell under her job, Sirzechs was just here to accompany her. To Sirzechs' right, Michael, the leader of the Angels, sat with his pristine white feathers subtly shimmering under the light, his smile exuding a calm authority.

On his left, Azazel, the Governor of the Fallen Angels, leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable behind his usual smirk. "Fine," he said after a long minute, "I agree to the terms. The Fallen Angel Faction will follow these rules."

Michael's soft smile widened a little, and Sirzechs nodded. Serafall sighed in relief, finally reaching a middle ground in this meeting after hours of talking.

Michael nodded, his face alight in the prospect of peace and positivity. "Naturally, the Angels will commit to the rules. I'm glad that we have made considerable progress tonight."

"In that case, as we sit together tonight," Serafall began with a smile, her voice resonating with a practiced calm. "Let us reaffirm our commitment to peace. As long as the three factions don't break the rules we agreed upon tonight, peace will remain till the end of times."

Azazel chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, peace is a lovely idea, as long as it doesn't get too boring-"

The three other leaders shot him a glare in unison and he raised his arms in the air to gesture surrender. "It's a joke, a joke! You lots need to learn humor."

Although his words only earned silence at first, Azazel's joke loosened the tightness in the room, and a ripple of cautious laughter found its way around the table. Even those who weren't sitting at the table, and rather sat on the couch around the room, grew relaxed at the notion. Rias, her entire peerage, Sona, and her entire peerage. Only Vali Lucifer, leaning against the wall, remained unamused.

The chandeliers above flickered slightly, casting an ever-changing dance of light and shadow across the high-backed chairs and their esteemed occupants. They spent a few minutes signing the documents, and when that was done, peace truly was initiated.

Yet, still, Michael's face drew dark as he began to speak, "However, while we have reached an agreement on the primary concerns, there remains a significant issue. It's not concerning us yet, but it might in the near future."

The room's atmosphere tensed again as all eyes turned towards Michael. The soft clinking of the fancy, crystal glassware on the table paused as if in anticipation and Michael continued, "There is a Goddess... from another world who entered our planet a while ago."

Sirzechs leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table, his hands clasped tightly. Serafall's eyes narrowed slightly, her playful demeanor shifting to one of sharp attention.

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