[162] Would You Like To Torture A Dying Man With Me?

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Chapter 162: Would You Like To Torture A Dying Man With Me?

The two Chief Goddesses sat on couches, facing each other, while Sakuyahime and Bishamonten stood behind their great lady. The room was filled with the fragrance of flowers from the garden outside since it was windy now and Aqua could feel the storm aura in the air.

I sat down on a separate couch, creating a triangle shape within the room, as I faced Amaterasu while ignoring Quetzalcoatl. "I remember you telling me that this body is the vessel of your subordinate, Yatagarasu. Why do you keep using it? The two behind you are perfectly fine, in their own bodies."

Amaterasu's expression remained soft as she smiled, "It is a matter of dignity and tradition," she began, her voice gentle yet firm. "As the chief deity of my pantheon, I don't find it fitting to wander the mortal realm in my true form, unlike certain... other entities." She held back from pointing at Quetzalcoatl, but it was obvious. "This vessel of Yatagarasu provides a suitable guise, that's the only reason."

Bishamonten, with her arms crossed, nodded in agreement. "Plus Sakuya and I are acting as Lady Amaterasu's bodyguards, so we need our real bodies."

That was a good enough answer. I turned to Quetzalcoatl for a short look and looked back at Amaterasu. "Let's discuss more serious matters, then. What brings you here? I imagine the topic must be grave if two Chief Gods decided to drop on my doorstep."

"Hmm?" Quetzalcoatl tilted her head with a smile, "I am just here for a short visit, I don't know what's going on. Rasu should be the one to speak."

"Quit calling me that, Dragon." Amaterasu shot Quetzalcoatl a look. "And do not lie. You're aware of the situation in Vedas, too."

"Aha, Vedas!" Quetzalcoatl slapped her hands together, lighting up. "That's what you are here for? Yes, that I'm aware of. A lot of stuff is going on in the Vedas."

They're late if they're here to talk about the foreign Goddess. Rias already told me about it weeks ago. I have to pretend not to know about it, however, otherwise, Rias might face consequences for revealing top-secret information to me.

"To start," Amaterasu looked at me and said, "I'm sure you know about the Hero Faction, those fools have abducted a Goddess who traversed this world from another, under the order of Indra. The foreign Goddess aside, recently there have been rumors that the Hero Faction might leave the Khaos Brigade, and officially become a part of God Emperor Indra's group. In which case, I imagine Ophis will not be very happy."

"As for the Goddess topic," Quetzalcoatl followed, "I heard, they're trying to use her as a weapon against Shiva. However, I fail to see how they plan to do that when she's weak enough to get captured by the Hero Faction. "

"Perhaps her divinity is a good counter to Shiva?" I expressed my thoughts, making Amaterasu nod in agreement.

"Perhaps. There are also rumors that her affinity is similar to... that of the God of the Bible, but I don't believe that rumor." From her tone, I believed that she didn't believe it one bit. It made sense. A Goddess, if similar to the God of the Bible, would never fall to the likes of Hero Faction.

A short silence fell as Amaterasu searched for her next words, and finally, she sighed, "That brings us to why I'm here. This doesn't concern you, so I hadn't let you know about it till now, but... at this rate, it might. Indra reached out to Shinto and made a small request. We were not going to follow through with it from the get-go, since helping him in anything would mean we were choosing his side against Shiva, but we decided to hear out his request at least."

"This is getting interesting," Quetzalcoatl sat more comfortably. As someone not part of Shinto, she too was unaware of this incident.

Amaterasu continued while I waited with a frown, "Indra was naturally curious about the Goddess' origin and why she was here before he decided to use her as a weapon, and although she couldn't understand this world's language at first, they managed to communicate with her in the end and she explained her reason. She said her coming here was not an accident, she came here in search of a person."

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