The End

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I woke up to so much pain in my back. I grabbed my phone and it was going on 1am. James hadn't been back home yet. I started calling his phone and he didn't answer. I got up and a gush of water came down my legs. "Oweeee fuck!" I yelled out as pain started in my lower stomach almost making me fall to my knees. I sat back on the bed taking my panties off. I started crying grabbing my phone as my fingers trembled dialing his number again. Still no answer.

Hello? Kyra answered sounding sleepy.

I'm in labor!

What? She asked as she jumped up.

Come get me please, James isn't home and isn't answering the phone.

Okay, stay calm I'm on my way!
I hung the phone up and tried him again. I was getting angry and hurting at this point. I got up to go get in the shower again. Every time I moved I felt more and more water come down.

By the time I was done showering my contractions was about 8 minutes apart. "Bri?" Kyra yelled as she rushed up the stairs of my house.

Here! I put on a pair of leggings and a sweater and slipped on my Ugg slippers and grabbed my purse. It was almost 2:30am. "He still not answering!"

Okay how far apart are your contractions?

7-8 minutes! I took a deep breath as one was coming on.

Okay we need to get you to the hospital. She picked up my hospital bags from the corner.

No I'm not having this baby without my husband! I yelled through my contractions. These shits was hurting so bad.

We can call him on the way there let's go Bri! She demanded. I started crying my eyes out even more. I just want my husband.

He's still not answering! I cried. I checked his location and he was at the pit. "Fuckkkkkk!" I screamed. The pain was beginning to get unbearable. "Go to the pit, he's at the pit!"

No I'm taking you to the hospital, your water already broke.

KYRA MY BABY IS GONNA BE BORN EARLY, IM SCARED AS FUCK, ALL I WANT IS MY FUCKIN HUSBAND! TAKE ME TO THE FUCKIN PIT TO GET HIM NOW!!! I yelled angrily at her. She swerved the car so hard into the last lane and punched it down the highway.


Do what you gotta do! I walked up on her and she was nervous. She was in tears trembling. "Do it shoot me!"

Back the fuck up! She yelled. "Back up "

Your a weak pathetic bitch! I spat. She pressed the barrel of the gun to my chest and I smacked the fuck out of her as she almost dropped it. She tried to fight me back. I never wanted to hit a female but fuck this bitch. She picked the gun up as she tried to keep a grip on it. The sound of a gun went off. I felt blood all over my shirt. I looked up and Brionna was standing there with her gun raised. She shot Danay in the back.

I'm in fuckin labor! And my fuckin water broke! She said angrily out of breath as a contraction hit her making her scream. Danay was holding on to me tightly. I bent her wrist turning the gun towards her shooting her in the head twice. I pushed her off of me grabbing her by her leg as a pile of blood followed her as I dragged her. I tied a cinder block to her ankles and pushed her body into the lake.

JAMES FUCKIN MALIKE CARTER!!!!! Brionna yelled my government. She was bent over trying to take deep breaths. I picked her up and carried her to the car. Kyra floored it to the hospital. I picked my wife up and carried her into the hospital. A nurse took us straight to an exam room. I stood behind her lightly massaging her back as her contractions was now 2 minutes apart.

You alright you got this mama! I kissed her neck and cheek as she leaned back on me.

I just want her to be okay! She cried. "She's way too early!"

It's okay, she'll be okay! I assured her.

Get the doctor! I gotta push! She started to scream in pain. I helped her lay down and she was burning up in pain. A team of nurses and her doctor came rushing in.

You ready? Dr. Rush asked her sitting between her legs. She moved her gown up and I could see my daughter head. "Oh yeah this little girl has a mind of her own and she is ready!" Dr. Rush said. My daughter head was full of long hair. "Okay Brionna I want you to push okay."
She grabbed my hand and I held her leg up.

You got this baby! You got this okay! She looked me in my eyes. "Just keep your eyes on me mama!"

She started pushing through her screams. "Look at me you can do this!"

No I can't!

Yes you can! Your amazing, your super woman! Come on push!
She started pushing again holding it for longer. She was almost out. Her head was right there.

Brionna look at me baby! I pushed her hair out her face and kissed her forehead then her lips. "You can do this take one more good push for me, she's almost here! Push as hard as you can baby!" I wiped her tears and she gripped my hand again. Dr Rush counted down from three and soon as she hit one Brionna pushed so hard she was able to pull our daughter right out. She laid her on top of her mom and she broke down crying hard. My baby was screaming to the top of her lungs.

Dad would you like to cut the cord? Dr rush asked handing me the scissors. Tears fell from my eyes as I cut my daughter umbilical cord. Damn I was a dad!



My daughter was so beautiful! I sat in James lap as we looked at her in the incubator. Dream Brielle Carter. She was 4lbs and 2oz, born 10 weeks early! She looked just like James with the most gorgeous set of light brown almost hazel eyes. Her hair was so long and beautiful. She had dimples and all.

I can't believe we have a daughter! I smiled looking at him.

I can't either! Damn man...

Thank you for her!

I'm just thankful for y'all....come on I got something to show you!


Come on! He had this big goofy smile on his face as he led me out the hospital. When we reached the double doors of the VIP wing to go outside I smiled so hard. "Mines?" I asked with a smile from ear to ear.

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a set of keys.  I took them from his hand and ran out the door. A pretty light blue G wagon with dark tinted windows, silver/blue rims, with the cream Interior sat outside with a giant blue bow on it! That also had three huge birkin bags sitting on the hood, with boxes from Chanel on it as well! I started crying my eyes out as I ran back to him jumping on him and kissing him.

As soon as these 6 weeks is up your getting that son! I smiled through my tears. "Thank you baby I love it so much I love you! Thank you!"

I'm just happy both our worlds collided! He smiled looking me in my eyes.

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