Chapter 1

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Can I come out of time out now? Malike yelled as I walked past his room. My baby was so quiet I forgot he even was in time out.

Yes baby come here! He smiled hard and I bent down to pick him up as he jumped in my arms. I blew kisses into his face. "How are you feeling?"

That was a long time mommy!

I know baby, daddy just tryna teach you a lesson.
You can't hit and push girls especially not your sister, okay? You suppose to fight for her not hit her.

Or I can just shoot them like daddy do bad guys if they hurt my sister!

Daddy does not shoot bad guys where did you get that from.

Yes he do with his guns, the big guns! And the one he got in his car he let me see it! He said so excitedly.

He let you see it?

Yeah him said he go teach me how to shoot when I get big!

Malikeeeee you not suppose to tell that daddy let you see the guns! Dream said as she came out her room.

You know about that?

Well yeah, daddy said he wants us to be able to protect ourselves if anything was to ever happen in the future. So it's good to learn young. He said not to tell you because you soft now after having kids and not gonna do anything besides cry!

WHAT! Girl I am not soft! Fuck yo daddy!

Oweee I'm telling! Malike said with wide eyes.

Your suppose to be on my side like!

Nobody likes a snitch Malike! Dream said and I tried so hard to not laugh.

You know what how about you two go get cleaned up and get ready for dinner and after that we can go to the park and get ice cream. How does that sound?

Good! They both said at once!

Okay go on! I made my way back downstairs to finish up getting their dinner ready. Tonight was smothered pork chops, over rice with some string beans and a biscuit. I sat their food at the table. Made my plate and put James plate up so he can eat when he came home. I cleaned my kitchen as I went so that way I didn't have much to do after dinner.

Okay who wants to say grace today?

Me!!!! They both raised their hands.

Okay Malike you first than Dream! We bowed our heads and Malike spoke.

Jesus wep  amen!

God is good, god is great thank you for this food that my mommy prepared for us amen!

Amen, good job guys! I smiled at my beautiful children as they ate. I tried to eat as much as I could but I always got full fast.!

Mommy this food bussin! I can eat this everyday! Malike said with a mouth full of rice.

You damn near do! I laughed. This was his favorite food. And I can't believe a 5 year old tears this up the way he does.

Your not suppose to eat with your mouth full! Dream said rolling her eyes.

Can I cuss? Malike asked with his eyes popping out his head. She annoyed him bad.

What are you gonna say?


Okay go ahead! I bit my bottom lip cause he was serious and I didn't wanna laugh.

You always got some SHIT to say! Leave me the FUCK alone! For I beat yo ASS!!!! He yelled!

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