Chapter 2 : Family Reunion

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The week flew by, which is great because I got into it pretty bad with a couple customers and I really needed this mini vacation. "Roxy, please tell me your ready? Its 10 am already and we have a 4 hour drive ahead of us." I yelled across the hallway. Roxy came out of her room dragging 4 bags and two purses. "Roxy, you know we are only going to be there 3 days right? What is with all the luggage?" I laughed. "Hey, you never know what you may need, right? I have several different outfits, my hair products, shoes, makeup..." I cut her off " did you bring the bathroom with you too?" I said laughing at my witty joke. "Not even funny...and where are your bags?" Roxy said scowling at me. I held one suitcase and my purse up. "That's it! That is all your bringing?" Roxy said with a surprised look on her face. "Yup, if I need anything I will just go out and buy it, BUT we will only be there until Sunday, so I don't think I need the entire house with me." I said. I looked at my watch, 10:15 "Oh, come on we gotta go like now. I want to be there before 4!" I still had to drop of Bane at the pet sitters before we head on the road. We packed my jeep (which was my other baby next the Bane) and headed out.

It was 3:00 when we finally got to NY. The sights, the sounds, the people, the everything was beautiful. Way different then PA is, but in a good way. I lived in PA my entire life and I never really got out to other states, so this was absolutely gorgeous! It took us about another half hour until we got to my Aunt Grace's house. We pulled up to this pretty little blue house in a very cute, close knit neighborhood.  "Mandy! How are you!" my Aunt said coming over to the car. "I am great, how are you? This neighborhood is so cute, oh my God I can so see myself living here." I said still in awe over it all. She laughed and said, "Well, couple blocks over there is a house for sale, I mean if you REALLY meant it." she said laughing. I giggled and said, "I can only wish Aunt Grace." By now Roxy probably thought I forgot about her. "Oh Aunt Grace, this is my best friend Roxy." Roxy climbed out of the jeep with her bags, "Hello Mandy's Aunt, pleasure to meet you." Aunt Grace looked at her and her bags, "Where is the rest of the house? Still in the car?" Roxy looked at me and said, "Now I know where you get your sarcasm from."

We got there a day early so we can relax and catch up with my family and settle in. We are staying an extra two days then everyone else, only because we needed a get away. I unpacked my bags in the spare room with Roxy. "SO...we have to share a bed Im guessing?" Roxy said looking around the room. "Um, yup will that be ok, Princess?" I said teasing her. Roxy is a very high maintenance girl, but she is beautiful too. She is the type of girl you went to High School with and hated. The blonde hair, green eyes, skinny, dark complex, cheerleader chick BUT she is a sweet heart and that is why she is my best friend.  Roxy unpacked her stuff and said she wanted to freshen up a little so, I headed downstairs to talk to my family and catch up. After hours of talking, some wine drinking and a great home made dinner it was time for bed as tomorrow was the reunion.

I woke up really early to help my Aunt set up for the reunion. I wasn't sure who was coming or if I even knew half the people who would be there, but I loved my Aunt and missed her terribly. "Mandy, can you run down to the corner store and pick up the meat tray I ordered? I forgot all about it." my Aunt asked me. "Sure! Hey Roxy, come one we are going for a quick run." Roxy rolled her eyes and said , "Do I have to? I can stay here and help your Aunt." Her pleading eyes looking at me. "Fine stay here, ill be back soon." I got in my car and drove down couple blocks to the store. It was a cute little meat and cheese store. I must not of been paying much attention because as soon as I opened the door I crashed into someone. "Oh God Im so sorry! Im such a clutz!" I said. A deep, raspy voice replied back, "Oh no its ok, I didn't see you there, totally my fault." I looked up and my heart stopped...there stood the most handsome man I have ever seen. He had dark brown eyes, long shaggy hair and a nicely trimmed beard. My heart was now beating out of my chest. "Miss, are you ok?" The raspy voiced man asked. "Um yes, im fine, thanks...I mean..Im sorry I bumped into you, are you ok?" I asked. "Ha Ha you need to run into me a lot harder then that to hurt me." He said laughing. "Good," I said. Good? Good? Why the hell did I say good? Im so dumb! The man walked over to the counter to pick up some meats and other things. I was standing behind him, admiring him. He had on a Superman shirt and dark jeans. He looked amazing. I thought to myself, ::No Point in asking his name your never ever going to see this man again, just move on:: He turned around and said "Well it was nice, running into you, literally." I stood there and laughed like a hyena on crack, "Ya ya you too." He looked at me like I had 3 heads and walked out. OMG IAM SUCH A MORON....

I walked back to my jeep and headed back to my Aunts house. There were couple cars there that I did not recognize so I figured some relatives were showing up. I walked in and handed the tray to my Aunt. "Mandy, are you ok?" Roxy asked looking at me. "Im fine, just made a total ASS outta myself in front of the hottest guy in the world!" Roxy laughed and said, "How is this different from any other day?" I snapped my head at her and stuck out my tongue. The doorbell rang and my Aunt asked me to get the door. I walked over and opened the door only to see....HIM.

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