Chapter 29: Here Goes Nothing

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Mandys POV

As I look at my phone and see that text from Brian my heart starts to pound. Do I answer him? I mean I just went on a date with such a wonderful guy and Brian cheated on me.

"Ugh I'm so confused!!" I scream out.
"Hey what's going on are you ok?" Roxy asks running in my room.
"Yeah.... no....I don't know. Brian texted me, he wants to see me," I say with my head buried in my hands.
Roxy picks up my phone and reads the text. "So.... are you gonna answer him? I mean this is alot to think about, the guy cheated on you. Do you really want to set yourself up again for heartache?"
I look at her, tears streaming down my face, "Yes.....I still love him Roxy."
Roxy looks at me with a look of shock over her face. "Do what you gotta do, but don't give into him too fast.."

Roxy leaves my room and I'm left with my thoughts.


Brian: So, can we meet somewhere please?

Me: ......

Brian: I know you hate me but please I really need to tell you something.

Me: Cant you just tell me now?

Brian: No, it has to be in person. Please Mandy....

Me: Fine, meet me at the park in half hour.

Brian: Thank you!!! I'll see you soon!

What the hell am I doing? I'm so afraid to see him. I'm afraid of falling for him again.... here goes nothing....

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