Chapter 27: Drunk Girl

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Brians POV:

I cant believe how pretty Beth looks...I cant believe I would ever say that about another woman. I hope I am not making a mistake.

"So Brian, what made you want to go out with me?" Beth asks looking through her purse.

I was kind of caught off guard, "Oh umm, seemed like a pretty chill girl at the bar that night."

Beth looks up at me and chuckles, "Well to be fair I was also pretty drunk too, but I am glad you asked me."

"Yeah me too, I mean why not? I say trying to avoid anymore questions.

We pull up to a restaraunt and head inside.

"This place is packed! I dont think were ever gonna get a table," Beth asks looking around.

"Well, i'll put us down and we can head to the bar and grab a drink while we wait," I say looking for the host.

Beth agrees and heads to the bar to grab us a seat.

"Uh yeah me and a friend would like to know how long of a wait for a table for two," i ask the host who looks super stuck up and snobby.

She looks at me with ignorance, "Um its really busy so...yeah it may be an hour."

I roll my eyes, "Alright well, we will be in the bar just let us know."

"Whatever..." she says looking at her phone.

"So how long is the wait?" Beth asks sipping her drink.

"Well she said an hour....lets just hope she doesnt forget us and get sucked into her phone," I say waving down the bartender.

I sit there looking around at everyone trying to figure out what to talk to this girl about. Things are so much easier when your drunk.

Half hour passes and we have hardly said anything to eachother. I will say she sure knows how to pound down drinks.

"Maybe you should slow down on the drinking we still have to eat," I say grabbing her glass from her.

She looks at me alittle angry, "Umm, scuse me? I am finneeeee."

I rolld my eyes as I know this drunk girl stage, "Beth, all im asking is you slow down so you dont get sick."

"You cant tell big meany!" She says almost spilling her drink all over herself.

"Ok well I am just making sure your ok," I say.

Another 20 minutes pass and I finally hear my name called.

"Table for Two, for a Mr.Quinn"

"Thank God!" I say a little louder than expected.

"Its about time! I am so hungry!!!" Beth says almost falling over as she stands up.

The waiter looks at me and says, "Sir you need to control your girlfriend, she can't be loud in here."

I look at him very confused, "Girlfriend? Oh no no she is just a friend."

The waiter huffs in anger, "Ok then tell your "Friend" to settle down."

"Ok ok, sorry I'll let her know."

Beth sits down and I tell her to drink some water and try to be alittle more quiet.

We order our food and Beth finally starts to sober up alittle as she is no longer yelling or spilling anything on herself....well at least not as bad as she was.

I sit here looking at her, she has stains on her shirt from spilling her drink on herself, her hair is now a mess, and she is holding her head up with her hands. I never had to deal with this with Mandy, she was so laid back I could talk to her about anything, and even when she did drink she wasnt sloppy and she still looked gorgeous. What the hell am I doing!?

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