Chapter 5 : Goodbyes Suck

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The next morning I woke up to birds chirping outside, and an unfamiliar cat at my feet. I jumped up, "What? Where am I? How did I get here?" I grab my head quickly as pain shoots from my temples. I hear laughter from the other room, "You were to drunk to go home remember? You crashed out on my couch." Its Brians house, but how did I? "We walked here don't worry, your precious Jeep is still at the bar down the street." I sigh with relief and lay my head back down. "Hey, Im sorry you had to babysit me lastnight." I say shyly. He peeks over the into the room where I am sitting, "Wasn't that bad, you fell right asleep as soon as your head hit the couch." I groan in embarrassment. "You want some coffee? We can stop at the coffee shop on our walk to your car." He asks. I agree and lift my still half drunk body off the couch. "I think I may need a large coffee after lastnight," I joke. He laughs and we depart from his house.

As were walking down the street I see the sun shinning through the tress onto the street, birds chirping with happiness and kids playing outside in their yards. "This seems like a pretty nice neighborhood," I say still looking around. He smiles and says "Ya, it is nice, very close knit. Everyone knows everyone who lives here." We arrive at a little coffee shop and he tells me to wait outside while he grabs our coffees. I take it all in, the air, the scenery, the cute guy who walked with me here. "This is a place I would love to live," I think to myself. "Here you go girly one large coffee, hope you take cream that's what I got ya." Brian says flashing a genuine smile. I take a sip, "Perfect! Just how I like it, thank you." We continue to walk another block and there sits my car. I run over, "My baby!" I examine it to make sure nothing is scratched, broke or stolen. "Ha Ha you sure do love that car don't you?" he says watching me examine it. "You bet, most money I ever spent on something was this here Jeep. I love her," I say still looking at the car for damage. We stand there couple minutes in silence.."Well, I need to get going, I have to pack yet and be on the road by 5 if I want to get home at a decent hour." I say with remorse in my voice. He looks up with sad eyes, "Ya ya, you got couple hour drive ahead of you. Better to drive while its still daylight out." We stand there couple more seconds, "Well thanks for the coffee, I will pay you back for it, promise," I say smiling at him. "I will hold you to that girly," He says jokingly. We say goodbye and I head back to my Aunts house.

I walk into the house hoping my Aunt wasn't to mad at me for not coming home last night. "Aunt Grace?" I yell out. "Oh Mandy! There you are, are you ok?" she says with concern. I look down at the ground like a kid, "Ya im ok, Im sorry I went to the bar with Brian and got a little too drunk. I ended up crashing on his couch." She gives me a big smile and says, "and......" With a shocked look I said, "and nothing! All I did was fall asleep and woke up and here I am, that's it." Did my Aunt really just imply that I booty called him? Wow.. "I am only joking dear," she says laughing. Seconds later I hear a car door slam and the front door open. "ROXY!," I yell out. Roxy comes in same clothes from last night, hair a mess and her heels off. "Heeeeyyyy," She says with a huge smile on her face. "Where were you guys lastnight?" I ask even though I had an idea as to what they were doing. "Oh we camped out under the stars lastnight at the park, it was beautiful!," she says putting her stuff down. "Uh huh, and what else did you do under the stars?" I say smirking. "MANDY!," She says with shock. I just stand there and laugh at her as I can see grass still in her hair.  "Come on you, we gotta pack. We have to be on the road at 5 and its almost 2," I say dragging her by the arm.

After we packed our bags and spent some time chatting with my Aunt we had to hit the road. "Bye Mandy, please call me when your home and if you ever want to come visit you know where I live," she says hugging me. "Thank you Aunt Grace, I may take you up on that offer sometime." We get into the car and drive off. I look over at Roxy who is texting on her phone giggling, she is probably texting Chris. I sit there driving and think, "I wonder what Brian is doing?" Wait..what? No No NO! Dont think like that Mandy, he is famous and he only took care of you because your Chris's cousin no other reason. I look at myself in the rear view mirror, blah! My boring brown hair, and brown eyes, my childish super hero shirt, ripped jeans, ugh no guy would ever fall for me. I guess I just have to suck it up and move on. Least I can say I met my crush and got drunk with him, to bad I don't remember much. Boy do I SUCK! Most girls would be in a love coma if that happened to them, but me I went into a DRUNK COMA!

Finally we hit PA after 4 long hours. I could not wait to go pick up my cat Bane and bring him back home with me, boy how I missed him. After picking him up we were finally going home and boy did I miss my bed.  After another half hour of driving we got home. We got all our bags out of the car and didn't even bother unpacking them once we got inside. We both fell onto the couch and sat there in silence for a bit. "So Mandy, what would you think about moving out to Staten Island?" Roxy asked looking at me intently. "Are you serious? We have jobs here, a house, friends why would we move?" I asked. She sat upright look at me dead in the eyes, "You hate your job, this house is way to small for us, and friends? We are eachothers friends, plus you have your Aunt there, so what is the problem?" I sat there a moment, and thought about it. A new job would be great, a bigger house would be nice too, plus she is right my Aunt is there if I need anything...I look at her and say, "Let me think about it, its a big change you know?" She sighs and agrees. "Its getting late, I have work in the morning Im going to go to bed," I said yawning.

I crawl into bed and Bane follows me. "So Bane, would you want to move somewhere new with mommy and aunt Roxy?" He sits there nuzzling my face and purring in agreement. There is so much to think about if I do decide this. Finding a new job, and house before we even get there, its impossible to do! I lay there restless for couple hours with my mind running with thoughts until I finally fall asleep.

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