Chapter 28: I Miss You

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Mandys POV:

I turned around after hearing a booming yet familiar voice behind me.

 "Sal? What are you doing here?" I asked confused. "Im here meeting up with someone, what are you doing here?" He asks looking Dan up and down. My face turns red and I get flustered "Oh well, Im here with a friend...well more like a..."

"Im her date , and you are?" Dan asks Sal looking at him intently.  Sal looks taken back, "Date?! Your on a date? What happened with Brian?" At this point I wish Sal would just leave. I never told Dan about Brian and how we were trying to work things out just a week ago.  "Oh know...things with us are..." Just as I was stumbling with my words a hostess came over and told Sal his table was ready.

Sal looked really aggrivated now, "Well, I guess I will see you two later, enjoy your 'date.' " I sighed with relief as he was walked to his table. At this point the date feels ruined and all I want to do is hide under the biggest rock ever and not come out.

Dan sat there a minute in silence and confusion. "So, who is this Brian guy? Are you two like...a thing?" he asks not even making eye contact with me.

I can feel my heart start to pound and my face get red and hot.  "Well, we were a thing but were not anymore. I caught him cheating on me and things with us have been rough."

Dan looks up at me with those gorgeous eyes and all I can see in pain. "Well like I said, this is only to get to know eachother. If you never want to see me after this thats fine. I just kinda wanted to get to know you since Roxy talked nothing but good about you."

I feel like an idiot right now. I have this sweet and kind man who took me out on a wonderful date and now he thinks that im still hooked on my ex and hes just a rebound.  "I am so sorry if I made you feel bad. I really like you, and Im not with Brian anymore. Sal doesnt know anything he just assumes everything."

Dan looks at me and grabs my hand. "Lets start fresh again. I dont want to miss a chance to get to know the most beautiful woman in this room over nonsense. "

Right then I think my heart started acting up as it was skipping beats every time he touched me. This man was so incredible.

After dinner we went to Central Park and walked around what seemed for hours and talked about our fears, goals, wishes basically our whole life stories. I felt so connected with him, like I have known this man my entire life. I havent felt like this since I met Brian and boy did it scare me.

After our walk he took me home. As we were sitting infront of the house saying goodbye he did it. He kissed hands shook, my legs got weak and all I can think was, "Holy Shit!"

Dan looked at me still holding my hand, "I had a wonderful time beautiful, I hope you call me for another date sometime."

All I can do was smile at him and stumble out the car as my legs were still trembling. I waved goodbye and walked into the front door. Roxy was waiting on the couch for me when I walked in.

She jumped up when she heard the front door close. "SO!! How was your date!!???" She asked running over to me.

I put my purse down and sat on the kitchen stool, "Amazing! Dan is the sweetest guy ever, polite, cute, funny...." I was cut off by Roxy, "Did you kiss?! Tell me the good stuff." I just smiled at her and walked to the fridge for some wine. "HA! I knew it! You dirty dog you kissed him on the first date," she said laughing.


Brian: Hey Roxy, I was just wondering is Mandy was home? I need to see her.

Roxy looks at me with a weird face and back at her phone.

Roxy: She is here but she just got home from her date so nows not the time, sorry.

"Who is that? You look confused." I asked pouring my glass of wine.

Roxy looks at me alittle sympathetic, "Its Brian...he said he wanted to see you. I told him you just got back from your date."

I almost dropped my glass, "You told him what?! Why? I didnt want Brain to know I was on a date." 

"Well he already knew you were on a date, Chris told him. Brain had a date tonight too with some chick he met at the bar." Roxy said fidgeting with her phone.

I feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest. I can feel the tears start to come up as I tried to hold them back. "Oh..he had a date too?"

"Yeah I thought you knew..." Roxy said with a guilty look.

I put my glass down and grabbed my purse to head to my room. I slam my door closed, turn up my music and just lie on my bed staring at the celiling. "He had a date..." I said to myself.

I shouldnt be jealous or angry because I was on a date also but for some reason I am. I am hurt and angry and betrayed feeling. I will always love Brian and I dont think that I will ever be able to get over him. Yes Dan made me forget things for a while but now look at me, crying in my room over him.


Brian: Hey...Im sorry to bother you, but I need to see you Mandy....please even if its for 5 minutes I just need to see you. I miss you.....

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