Chapter 4 : It Can't Be!?

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So the next morning I woke up a little later then expected. I wanted to get an early start on the day to do some exploring. I poured myself a cup of coffee and made some toast quick. "Morning Mandy," I hear my Aunt say from the dining room. "Oh hey Aunt Grace, didn't see you there." I reply. "You seem to not see a lot of people lately huh?" She said laughing. I look at her with a confused look. "Ohhh, hah ya I guess so." I sit down at the table with her. She keeps looking at me. "Mandy, please tell me you know who that Brian fella is?" I look at her and think, "Well he looks familiar but I cant quite pin point it. I mean he can just have that face that looks familiar too I guess." She looks at me right in the eyes, "Think hard, because once I tell you, your going to kick yourself right in the ass." I laugh and say, "ok...lets see I don't know any Brians. I mean not personally anyway. I do watch a tv show with a......." and there it was. How could I NOT have seen it!? I must be a blind bat or im going senile early. " is Brian Quinn isn't it?" She laughs and says, "DING DING. How did you not notice?" Im so dumbfounded, " I don't know, I guess I really just wasn't paying all that much attention." I said. "When I knew you were coming I told Chris to bring him along. I see your facebook posts and how much you adore this guy and I knew that Chris would have no problem bringing him with him." I look at her with sly eyes, " basically tried to hook us up, am I right?" She just smiled. "Aunt Grace, please realize this. He is a celebrity, he sees tons and tons of people on a daily basis. He probably meets all kinds of women some who are rich, gorgeous and famous like him. What on earth makes you think he would fall for a plain Jane like me?" She looks me dead in the eye, "Because you are special, your sweet, charming, a little nerdy but in a good way and your unique your not like everyone else and mostly your beautiful."  I sit there and just shake my head no. My aunt is absolutely crazy, I think she is senile. Ugh cannot believe I met the man of my dreams, my celeb crush and I had no idea...why? Because I am an idiot. Oh well no use getting upset over it, not like he would want me anyway.

I go grab a shower and see Roxy finally waking up. "Hey sleepy head time to get up. Were going to go and explore this city and see what is around." She looks at me half asleep, "Sorry girly, no can do. I promised Chris I would hang out with him for a little today." I look at her in disbelief, "Really? Come on, I do not want to go out alone in a city I don't know." She smiles and says, "Im sure you can ask Brian to go with you." I look over at her and say, "You know who he is don't you?" Roxy rolls over and says, "DUH, you cant be that dumb....wait you didn't know? Ha Ha Ha oh em gee Mandy how can you not? you watch their show everyday." I throw a pillow at her, "Hush you! How come you didn't tell me or get all giddy around him?" She opens her eyes yawning, "Because, you know I don't like those Joker people. They aren't attractive to me, well the one guy isn't bad, but Brian nope all yours honey soo not my type." I tell Roxy im gonna grab a shower and head out as I have a lot I want to do before tomorrow and tell her to call me every hour so I know she is ok.

I go to get in my car and Im stopped by Chris. "Hey Mandy, is Roxy inside?" I smile and say, "Yup she is just finishing getting ready." "Awesome I have some stuff planned for me and her today. Im so glad she came, I missed her so much. " I smile at him and next thing I know I hear, "Hey beautiful, I love the shirt." I turn around and see Brian standing infront of the car. "Oh hey...what are you doing here?" Inside my mind is screaming, OMG OMG OMG ITS Q! But on the outside its saying STAY CALM, I REPEAT, STAY CALM! "Well Chris said he was picking up Roxy to do some sight seeing an I offered to take you around. Dont want a pretty girl like you all alone somewhere she isn't sure of." I blush 50 shades of red, "Oh well thanks, that's nice of you. But you don't have to." He sternly says, "Oh but I do." I look down at my old torn up converse shoes and say, "well if you insist I guess. But we are taking my Jeep, she is my baby." He laughs, "Well that's fine with me but I drive." I let him in the driver seat and in my head im yelling, Q IS DRIVING MY CAR, OMG HES IN MY CAR. I try to stay as calm as I can. I go to put down the window, but instead I keep hitting the lock button, "damnit, I still confuse these darn buttons." He looks over and laughs, "Let me help you out there sweetheart." OH MAN HE CALLED ME SWEETHEART, THATS IT IM GONNA DIE RIGHT HERE.

After half hour drive we arrive at a nice little park. We get out and he comes to open my door for me. I open it quick and jump out, "Its cool I got my door." He looks at me smiling, "Your an independent girl, I like that."  I roll my eyes, "Ok Casanova show me around." We went to all kinds of places, little stores, he showed me his old house before he moved with Chris, we went to a park and acted like kids on the swing set, it was just amazing, the entire day. It was about 6:30 and I was getting hungry and needed a drink badly. I mention to him that I need to get some food so we can go home. We get in the car and start driving. We end up at a little bar, looks like a lot of regulars go in here. "They have great food here and good drinks, you up for it?" He asked shyly. I nod my head yes. We walk in and couple people there yell out to Brian, they obviously know him pretty well.  We sit in a corner booth away from everyone. We see someone walking over to us...OH MAN....ITS SAL! "Hey Q man whats up?" Sal says with a smile flashing. "Oh not much, meet Mandy this is Chris's cousin from PA he was telling us about." He extends his hand, "Nice to meet you, I heard a lot about you from Chris. Hes an awesome guy." I shake his hand and say, "Ya hes like my big brother." Sal asks if he can sit with us and we agree its ok. The whole night was so amazing. We ate some great greasy bar food which really hit the spot and we drank and drank until we all were pretty tipsy.

"Brian....I..I don't think the car should be drove." I say not making much sense. He laughs "Your right chicky, lets walk." We start to walk home, but I realize its now 2:30 am and I cannot go to my Aunts house trashed she will be so mad. "You can come to my house, well Chris's too, if you want." I stand there and think for a minute, "Sure lets go." We walk about 2 blocks up and there house is there. No wonder they all know him there, its so close to his house. He unlocks the door and three cats come running to him. Its so cute to see him pet and coo at them. By now the room is spinning a bit and I swear the walk made me feel more drunk. " man....where can I lay down?" He laughs and points to the couch. I fall right on the couch and stretch out. It wasn't long before I was out cold.

Brians POV:

Something about this girl. Its like she doesn't know who I am or she does but doesn't care which either way is awesome. She isnt after me for my money that's for sure. I don't even know this girl and I feel like I have known her my whole life. I cant let her leave yet, no way I can. I cover her up with a blanket and head to my room. I need some sleep and a plan to try to keep her another day or two. I want to know everything about this girl and one night isnt enough. Ahh well tomorrow is another day.

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