Chapter 20 : Dinner and a Drink

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Sals POV : 

I sat in the kitchen talking to Mandys Aunt while I waited for her to get ready. Then she walked out and my jaw dropped to the ground.

" look great," I say still drooling a bit.

"Haha umm I dont look much different do I?" she says smiling.

"Well your not wearing ripped jeans, sneakers or a comic shirt so yes you look different," I say laughing a bit.

She really did look gorgeous. Black leggings, a long off the shoulder top, and black boots. I have never seen her look so good and she had on no make up. She looked flawless.

"Oh haha yea I guess that is different then any other day,' she said braiding her hair to the side.

"Umm so you ready to go eat?" I ask nervously.

"Yup let me grab my phone and wallet and i am ready," she says digging in her purse.

"No wallet, I am paying!," I say grabbing it from her hands.

"No, I will pay for my half its ok," she said trying to snatch it back.

"Sorry to late I am paying and that is that," I say sticking my tongue out at her.

"Fine...but at least let me buy you a drink then," she says pleading with her eyes.

"Ok deal, you but me a drink and I buy you dinner," I say handing her wallet back to her.

We headed off to my car and I tried my best to not be nervous. But for some reason my heart was thumping fast and my hands felt like I had a faucet connected to my wrists, she made me feel like putty. After about a 15 minute drive we got there.

"Here we are!," I say opening my door.

"Aww it is so small and so cute," she says admiring it.

"Yeah and they have the best food ever," I say opening the door for her. 

The waitress came over to us, "table for two?" she asks.

"Yes," we both say in unison which makes us laugh.

We got seated at our booth which is right by the window.

"This place is even cuter inside!" she says looking around the small room.

"Ha yup, it is "cute"," I say laughing.

"Shut up I am a girl I say things and places are cute," she says playfully hitting my hand from across the small table.

The waiter finally comes over and we order our food. I just sit there and stare intently at Mandy. I cannot help that she is beautiful and I think Brian is the biggest idiot in the world for hurting her like he did. I know he has been upset but he also has been out almost every other day. He didnt even go home after the show so that leads me to believe he just dont care anymore.

After our food came and we ate we sat and talked for a bit. We talked about everything and anything. She has had such a shitty past and I really want to make it better for her, but I know she is still  hooked on Brian and that sucks. We finally decide to leave around 1 am.

"Thank you for dinner it was great!," she says looking at her phone.

"Oh anytime im glad you enjoyed it," I say looking down at the steering wheel.

"So you want me to drop you off?" I ask.

"Im still pretty awake and i owe you a drink," she says flashing me her beautiful smile.

"Haha ok well where to?" I ask looking at the road.

"Well we can go back to my place, I have my liquor cabinet stocked up and Roxy hasnt been home to drink any," she says looking shly at me.

"Sure as long as you dont mind," I ask making the turn onto her street.

"Not at all, then we can listen to some jazz records I have too," she says.

"You like Jazz? Me too!" I say excitedly.

We pull up to her driveway and head inside. Its dark and quiet and kinda creepy. We head down stairs to the  bar in her basement.

"Wow I didnt know this was down here," I say looking around.

"haha not many people do," she says turning the bar lights on.

"Its really nice," I say sitting down at the bar table.

"Yeah it is. My uncle built it before he died, and well nobody comes down here often, but I do store my alcohol down here," she says grabbing me a beer.

I take my drink and look at Mandy...I cant help myself, but to stare.

"Here take a shot of this, its really good," she says handing me a shot glass.

"Oooo wow minty," I say handing her the glass back.

Next thing I know we are downing shots left and right. I was having such a good time I didnt want it to end, then it happened.

We kissed, and I dont know who made the first move, it was more mutual I think. Her lips were so soft and tender and her hand on my face nearly drove me crazy. We ended up full force making out and one thing led to another.

We lied there on the floor wrapped in each others arms, her sleeping soundly and I didn't want this to end nor did I want Brian to ever find out. I hope I didnt make a huge mistake.....

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