Chapter 23 : Friends...

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Sals POV :

I feel so bad for telling Brian what happened, even for lying a little but I want Mandy all to myself. There is no way Brian will want anything to do with her after all this and that will be my chance.

buzz buzz buzz

Mandy: Hey we need to talk...

Me: About what?

Mandy: I think you know what.

Me: I really don't.

Mandy: You told Brian I got you drunk and took advantage of you ....ring a bell?

Me: I would NEVER say that to him.

Mandy: I saw you at his house yesterday.

Me: Ya I stopped by to drop off something to him.

Mandy: And you also said sorry for being involved...

Me: Ya meaning sorry I left that night at the bar when he was with that girl, instead of dragging him out of there.

Mandy: Really?

Me: Would I lie to you? No, I wouldn't. Your my friend and I care about you.

Mandy: Now I am confused on why Brian would tell me that stuff.

Me: I really don't know, was he drinking when you talked to him?

Mandy: Yea, but he didn't seem to drunk...

Me: Mandy, Brian is good at covering up...

Mandy: Shit...I need to go..I am just really confused right now. Thanks Sal...

Fuck, I just made a bigger mess. If Brian calls me I don't know what I am going to say to him. Why did I have to get feelings for her....of all people. This just sucks...

Mandys POV :

Would Sal really lie to me? Or even Brian for that matter? This is all just one big fuck up now. I don't know who to believe at all. Brian seemed so sincere and hurt when I talked to him, but Sal...he wouldn't ever lie to me. He was there when I needed somebody the most. I think I need to take some time away from all of them for a while and get my mind straight. They will be going on tour soon for 2 weeks that will be my time. Maybe I should just move on and find someone new. I love Brian, but I wont be lied to. I need to tell Brian its over.

Brians POV :

I feel like so much is off my chest, I finally got the girl, and we are happy. Nothing can ruin this.

Ring Ring Ring

Me: Hey I was just thinking about you!

Mandy: Hey, we really need to talk.

Me: Is everything ok?

Mandy: Well, not really. Your going to be on tour soon and I think I need to take the time to myself for a while.

Me: Wait...where is this coming from? We were fine 2 days ago.

Mandy: I know...just that I had a lot to think bout and I think we shouldn't of rushed into anything.

Me: But we didn't...Sweetheart please don't do this...

Mandy: I am sorry Brian, but I have to. Its not goodbye, we will still be friends and talk...

Me: Pffft friends....yeah well if that's what you want then fine.

Mandy: Brian, please don't get angry I just...

Me: Need time alone or with other people...ya ya I get it..

I had to hang up after that. I don't mean to be so mad but it hurts. I love her so much and she is just throwing it all away. What the hell happened between now and two days ago? I don't want t loose her...but I guess if I love her I need to set her free and hope for the best...

Sorry I took so long to write! I have been busy with my kids back in school and work and ugh I finally got to sit down and write and I hope you are all still reading and enjoying! Please feel free to comment and let me know how yall like it or anything else!!! Thank You!! xoxoxo

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