Chapter 22 : I Love you...

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Mandys POV :

I start to drive home, tears in my eyes and anger in my hands...."Fuck this, I need to talk to him and figure this out" I say out loud. I turn around and head back to his house. I park across the street and get out of the car and walk to his door. I stand there for a minute, take a breath, and knock on the door.

The door opens and Brian is standing there with a beer in his hand and a smug attitude crossed his face when he saw it was me.

"Brian we need to talk..." I say examining his face.

"No, we really don't," he says taking a swig of his beer.

"Brian, please..." I say pleading.

"I think Sal told me enough of what happened. How can you do that to a friend?" he asks looking at me like im a horrible person.

"Do what? I didn't do anything wrong!" I yell.

"He told me you would lie about it. He is your friend, you don't take advantage of friends." he said with some anger behind his voice.

"Take advantage?! What the hell are you talking about?" I say trying to ignore the strong alcohol smell coming from him.

"You made him buy you dinner, got him drunk, told a bunch of lies about me and then took advantage of him," he said staring me down.

"WHAT!?! No I didn't, Brian you have to believe me!!" I said yelling and crying.

"Sal is my best friend, why would he lie?" He said taking the last swig of his beer.

"Why would I lie?" I said tears flowing from my hurt eyes.

"Brian please, he took me to dinner yes, and we did drink, but I never ever told him anything bad about you nor did I take advantage of him, We BOTH messed up." I said pleading with him.

"FUCK!" Brian yelled.

"Brian please please please believe me....I love you and I would never ever lie to you..." I said leaning against his doorway.

" love me?" He said looking down at me.

"Yes...I do and I only ever wanted to be with you and only you. Im sorry I messed up with Sal, but it didn't mean anything. The alcohol got the best of us and I never wanted it t be this way," I say still crying.

"Shhh Girly, its ok...I am sorry...for everything. I don't know why I kissed that girl that night, I was drunk and stupid and all I thought about everyday was you," he said putting his head on my head.

"We both messed up Brian," I said.

"What do we do from here?" he said grabbing my hand.

I sat there for a minute, then before I knew it, he grabbed my face and kissed me. I saw fireworks, my hands were sweaty, my heart was beating so was the best kiss I have ever had in my life.

"Wow...." I said still catching my breath.

" is right girly." He said smiling at me.

"I 'm sorry Brian, I really am..." I said.

"Shhh its ok. Its in the past its over with. Now its time to move on," he said grabbing my hand and kissing it.

That moment right there, I was putty in his hands and he knew it.

"Lets go in where its more private, what ya think?" he said raising his eyebrows.

"Haha sure," I said grabbing my purse from the ground.

We headed inside and the whole rest of the day consisted of, movies, drinks, food and kissing. Let me tell you. his kisses were amazing and even when we were just sitting there in each others arms, I never felt more protected and it all felt right like this is how its supposed to be. I couldn't of been happier then I was right now. My life felt like things were looking up for me, finally...

*** Sorry this was a short chapter, I have been so busy lately and I really wanted to get this chapter done. Hopefully I will be able to write little more this week! Hope your enjoying it!! There is still lots more to come, please feel free to comment and thank you to everyone who reads my story. Love you guys!!****

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