Chapter 9 : Group Date

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Mandys POV :

I have been living in SI for a little over a month now. I landed a job at the coffee shop down the street, and Roxy got a job at a clothing store not far from the city. We are both doing so great here, and I will admit, I really am happy I moved here instead of staying in PA as a gas station worker with a crappy apartment. I have also been seeing a lot of Brian the last couple weeks. He comes into the coffee shop every morning at the same time and orders the same thing, half the time I already have his order made up by the time he walks in the door.

"Hey Beautiful, I'll have the usual," Brian says flashing his warm smile at me. I grab his stuff from the back of the counter, "Already made up and ready to go for ya," I say smiling at him. "Fast service, that's why I always come here, and to see you of course," he says. I look at him and say half laughing, "You come here because its a block from your house and its the only shop you don't have to drive to so early in the morning." He laughs as says, "You are half right, but I really do enjoy seeing your smile every morning too." I blush, "Ya....well have a good one Brian, same time Monday?" I ask. He leans over the counter, "Same time Monday sweetheart." As hes walking to the door he turns around and says, "Guess I'll also see you tonight doll," and walks out of the shop.  I sat there a minute very confused...tonight? What is tonight? Did I miss something? I quickly text Roxy.

Me: Hey, Brian said he would see me tonight, do you know what he means?

Roxy: Yea, we are all going out tonight.

Me : Umm...nobody said anything to me. When was this set up?

Roxy:  Like a week ago, I know I told you about it.

Me: Uh, no you didn't or I would of remembered.

Roxy: oh well, sorry but yeah we are all going on a group date. Dinner and then to the city for some fun.

Me: Well gee thanks for telling me last minute.

Roxy: Sorry but you still love me!

Me: Ya ya get back to work.

I cannot believe she never told me, or Chris for that matter. I am always the last to find anything out.

The day goes by quick and 4 pm came around fast. I punch out and start walking home to get showered and dressed for tonight. As I walk in the door my Aunt grabs me, "Oh looking forward to your date tonight?" she said with big eyes. "How did you know I had a date?" I ask very confused. "Roxy told me about it 3 days ago," she said. I look at her in disbelief, "You knew?! I Just found out this morning!" My Aunt laughs, "I guess she forgot to tell you OR you were to busy reading when she did tell you." I shake my head, "Nope, I would remember her telling me I had a date, she just never told me." Typical Roxy, tells everyone but the person who needs to know.

Brians POV :

I still cannot believe Mandy is coming tonight to hang out. I haven't gotten to really hang out with her since the first week she moved here, she is always busy working and helping her Aunt on the weekends.

"Hey man, you almost ready to pick the girls up?" Chris says looking at himself in the mirror. "Yah man, just gotta grab my hat quick and we can leave," I say looking for my hat. "So how did you get Mandy to come out with us?" I ask as we get into the car. "Easy, Roxy just told her today," he says laughing. I slam on the breaks, "What! She probably didn't even want to come or she may not even show up. I am not gonna go and be the third wheel again," I say kinda upset. "Relax she is coming, Roxy texted me half hour ago saying Mandy is almost done getting ready and is excited."  I look at him not believing what he said, "You sure Mandy is coming? I mean she isn't being forced to by Roxy right?" Chris laughs, "Dude, if she didn't want to come she would tell Roxy no, she is coming all on her own, now drive they are waiting."

We pull up to the girls house and we see Roxy sitting outside waiting. Great Mandy isn't coming she changed her mind...then the door opens.

She looks so beautiful, her hair is in a side braid and she has on a black beanie, shes wearing a Superman shirt with her ripped jeans and converse shoes. "Sorry I had to grab my hat," Mandy says. Roxy looks at her, "Why didn't you dress up alittle, I told you to dress up," Roxy says trying to fix Mandys hair. I chime in, "I think she looks great, nothing wrong with her at all." Mandy stands there and smile, "Thank you Brian, im just not one for dressing up unless I really have to," she says with a cute smile on her face. "Hey, im wearing jeans, sneakers, and have a cat on my shirt, im not dressed up at all either," I say pointing at my ridiculous cat shirt. She laughs and agrees.

We all head to the car and go to the diner to get some food before we roam the big city.

After dinner, Roxy and Chris are being very weird and say that they are gonna grab a cab and head somewhere to be "alone" and we all know what that means so we let them go. All that's left and Mandy and me. "So you want me to take you home?" I ask getting in the car. "Its still early, so lets just go anywhere, you pick," she says smiling at me. "I know the perfect spot, but first we need to stop at my house quick if that's ok," I ask starting the car. She looks at me with her beautiful big eyes, "That's fine with me."

We head to my house so I can grab some essentials I need for the night and then its back on the road. after about 20 minutes of driving we arrive on the top of a big hill where we can see the city lights. "Oh this is gorgeous! Look at all the lights!," Mandy says practically running out the car to get a better look. "Yeah this is nice up here, its like the big city without having to go there ya know? and a lot quieter haha," I say grabbing a blanket out of the car and a six pack of beer "This is so pretty...." she says still in awe. She sits down on the blanket and cracks open a beer, "Now this is my idea of a date," she says kinda peeking over at me to see my reaction. "Yeah, perfect date with the perfect girl," I say popping the cap off my beer. "Ok ok no more mushy stuff, tell me everything about you Mr. Brian Quinn," she says laying on her back.

We had to talk for hours, about our likes, dislikes, exes, jobs, food, animals everything and anything we talked about. We told each other secrets nobody else knows about. At this very moment, we were very close to one another and it felt amazing. By the time we looked at our watches it was 3 am. We grabbed out stuff and headed back home.

"I had an amazing night and I want to thank you for taking me there it was beautiful," Mandy said as she started to open her door. "Thank you for coming with me girly, I had a great night," I said wishing this night wouldn't end. I looked at her and couldn't stop myself, at that moment, that second, she never looked more gorgeous to me I had to do it. I grabbed her arm and leaned in and kissed her. Nothing sloppy, nothing rough just...a kiss. She pulled back quickly, " I am sorry, I cant do this right now." She ran off into her house.

I sat there for a moment kicking myself in the ass, "What the fuck did I just do, I just ruined, probably the most best thing that has happened to me in a long time...what an idiot." I drove home pissed at myself for jumping in too quick. How am I going to fix this?

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