Chapter 6 : He's Not My Type

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Brians POV:

Its been a week since Mandy left and for some reason that girl is still in my head. "Hey Q whats been up with you lately?" says Chris knowing I haven't been myself. "Just a lot of filming going on and I think I need a night out," I say obviously lying. "We should hit the bar tonight, you know how Friday nights are in the city," Chris says. I agree to go out tonight and call Sal to see if he wants to tag along tonight. "Hey Sal man, Chris and I are hitting the town tonight, you in?" I ask. I hear party mode Sal on the other end, "Heck yeah man, let me get showered and ready." We hang up and I decide to go shower too and get dressed.

After about an hour Chris and I head over to Sals to pick him up. "Hey guys, you ready to party tonight? " Sals asks while buttoning his plaid shirt up. "Yeah its going to be fun, kinda need a night out and away from SI for a night," I say looking at my phone. Sal looks at me and minutes later my phone buzz's.

Sal: You miss that Mandy chick don't you?

Me: What? No why would you think that?

Sal: Why else would you be willing to go out? We all know your a homebody.

Me: I just needed a night out that's all.

Sal: Sure, well if so then take home the first chick that looks at you tonight.

Me: What? No!? 

Sal: EXACTLY! Brian, we've been friends for 20 some years, I know you, your hooked!

I look back and give Sal that Fuck You eyes. He just sits back there and laughs. I cannot let Chris know im into his cousin, I would never hear the end of it. For that matter I don't even know why Im so into her, she is just an average girl. Then it hits me, she is just an average girl, she doesn't care I am famous or have money. She is sweet, funny, adorable....yup im so hooked on this girl.

Mandys POV:

"Roxy wanna go out tonight?" I say looking at my phone. Roxy jumps up, "YOU wanna go out? Like bar hopping and meeting cute guys? Or....." I look at her and laugh, "Like I don't know just go out and have fun for a change." She squeals with excitement, "YES! You never want to go out, and this time you do and I didn't have to beg you." I look at her with my mean eyes and she just looks at me cracking up, "You cannot make a mean face, so don't try it, its just pathetic."

We get showered and dressed and decide to start our night at the bar downtown. We walk in and its all younger people, like those people who just turned 21 and are in super hardcore party mode. We find two seats at the bar and snag them before someone else does. "So Mandy, why did you want to come out?" Roxy asks sipping on her drink. "I just felt like going out, geeze didn't know I needed a reason," I say rolling my eyes. "Girl, you never want to do anything but sit home, order take out and watch movies every night, so spill it now." I sit there for a moment alittle pissed that she just pretty much called me a loser and I say, "I just have a lot of my mind and I needed a break from all the thinking." She brightens her eyes and says, "Its Brian isnt it?!" I almost spit my drink out, "What?! Brian? Ha Ha no, no and no." She looks at me and pretty much calls bullshit, "Your a bad liar, always have been." I sit for a minute and drift off into thought.  "Know what Roxy, ya he is cute, but I don't like him like that. He totally isnt my type." Roxy sits there eyeing me, "Ok ok maybe he isnt, I mean I know rich and famous isnt for everyone," she laughs. I totally forgot he was famous. "Not that, he just isnt my "type" I like my boys clean shaven and athletic," I say happy with my response. Roxy looks at me and shakes her head yes in agreement.  I lied through my teeth right there, im so into the rugged guys, I just don't want her to think I like him because he is famous and has money. Im not a gold digger and wouldn't want anyone to think I was, so just gotta stick with the I don't like him bit for a while.

 Brians POV:

Its now after 1 and there have been so many girls that recognized me and basically threw themselves at me. Im not into all that, yeah some of them were mega hot, but looks aren't everything. Sal got couple girls numbers, not like he will call them anyway, just bragging points I think. He is too nice of a guy to do that kinda stuff. "Hey...Brian, I got another girls number, im on a roll tonight.," Sal says as he stumbles. "Ok Sally boy, I think we need to get you home," I say holding him up. "Oh yeah man, sounds good but I cant drive, know why?" Sals says to me almost whispering. "Because your drunk?" I say. Sal laughs and says, "Yeah and because the room is spinning and if I get in the car, it will spin too." I laugh at his remark and Chris and I get him into the car. Its a little bit of a drive until we get home. We let Sal crash at our house for the night.

Chris comes over to me as I grab a water out of the fridge, "Hey man so I talked to Roxy not long ago, she and Mandy are thinking of moving down here," he says happily. I look up with some excitement, "Really? um I mean, that's cool but why move here?" I say playing it cool. "Mandy wants to be closer to our Aunt Grace and find a new job. She really hates being in PA when non of the family lives there and she has no friends there, well besides Roxy." I can feel my cheeks getting red, "Oh ya there is some jobs here she can probably get, and I get being close to family." Chris looks at me, "I really like Roxy, im hoping they move here so I can get back with her. Its been years since we were together and we still have that connection." I laugh, "I don't think having sex, is a connection, everybody does that." Chris throws his empty bottle at me, "DUH its not just the sex, its our talks and how she looks at me and holds my hand, she is so amazing man. I would love for her to be closer to me." I look at him, he smiling and looks like he is so in love, something that will never happen to me. "Who knows, maybe you and my baby cousin will hit it off too," he says winking. "Pfffft I don't think so, shes too cute for me..." Chris yells, " I KNEW IT! YOU LIKE HER!" I look up, "SHIT.....I mean no no she is cool and all but not for me. Just friends that's all." Chris walks into the other room, "Sure buddy whatever you say." Damn, how did he know?!

Mandys POV:

Its 2 in the morning and were on our way home. "SO did you think about us moving to Staten Island yet?" Roxy asks fixing her hair. "Yeah a little bit. I mean it would be nice but we have a lot to do if we decide. Like jobs, house, money.." I say being cut off. "Mandy, we can stay with your aunt iam sure, her house is HUGE and we can find jobs there, we have enough money saved up to hold us over until then, it shouldn't take too long." she says basically pleading. I sit there at the stop light by our small house, I look around and see nothing....nothing is holding me back here so why not? "Know what Roxy?" I say looking at her., "Lets do it! Lets move to NY!" Roxy squeals like a kid and gives me a big hug. "This is going to be Great! Just think Mandy, a new start at life! New job, friends, house, man this is going to be awesome!" She says excitedly. I sit there as we pull up to our house.....I really hope I am making the right choice. 

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