Chapter 33: Different Look

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Brian's POV:

I'm looking forward to taking Mandy out tonight.  Since her Aunt passed away she has been so down and I haven't seen her smile in weeks.  I just want her to be happy even if it's just for couple hours.

"So what are your plans tonight buddy?" I hear Chris ask from the kitchen.  "Actually I'm taking Mandy out for the night. I just want to take her mind off everything for the night." Chris walks in with a beer in his hand, "good idea. She needs a night away. I may go hang with Roxy at the house later tonight. Maybe help get some stuff settled so Mandy doesn't have so much on her plate."
"That would be a great help to her. How are you hanging in after all this?" I ask grabbing my keys off the table. Chris let's out a sigh, "ya know man..its still weird.  Like I know she is gone but I still feel her around. I don't know how Mandy can still live there knowing what happened. She is stronger than me, I couldn't do it."
I look down at shoes unsure of what to say, "yeah...its for sure weird without her. Im sorry again man."
Chris turns around to look at me, "thanks bud,  appreciate everything you've done for Mandy and I."
I smile, "ya no problem, but hey I gotta run and meet the guys. We have our last skit to tape this afternoon. So I'll see ya later."

I get to the park just in time to meet up with the guys.
"Brian? Wow wasn't sure that was you it's been so long," Sal says coming over to me. "Yeah been alot going on last couple weeks, but I'm here and ready for this punishment!" I say as the crew gets me all ready. 
"Where are the donuts?! I can't start until I eat something," I hear hear Joe yelling from about 20 ft away. "Hey I think you can lay off the donuts for a bit, " I yell back. Joe comes jogging over to me with his arms open, "Brian bud how are you? How's Mandy?" I look down alittle, "She's not too good. Hasn't left the house barely in weeks, sooo I'm gonna take her out tonight and get her mind off stuff." Joe smiles and pats my back, "your a good man Q, but if you'll excuse me I need to find a donut or a pastry of some kind I'm starving."

After the shoot I'm kinda nervous to see Mandy now.  Let's just say I look alittle.....or a lot different. Our last shoot was a punishment on Murr. I actually shaved my head and now Murr has my hair as a wig. Im pretty nervous she isn't going to like it. I look so weird I'm not sure how I'm going to adjust to this either.  Oh well let's do this!!

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