Chapter 3 : What The...

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"Hey it's the chick that ran into me." he said laughing. I stood there with my mouth wide open in shock. "Hey Mandy, close your mouth your letting flies in." I hear a familiar voice say. "Chris?! Oh my God Chris, how are you?!" I say grabbing him and hugging him. Chris is my cousin and he moved out here 4 years ago. We were really close almost like brother and sister, well we are only 3 years apart he's 31. I couldn't believe he was here, and the mystery guy. "Wait, you know this girl?" asked the dark eyed man. Chris starts laughing, "Haha yah man, she's my cousin from PA I was telling you about couple weeks ago." Oh no there goes my heart beating out of my chest again. Why was he talking about me? And why to him? I don't even know this guy. Chris walked in and immediately spotted out Roxy. "Roxy girl how are you? Wait, beautiful as ever I see." Chris said smiling at her. Roxy and Chris always had a behind closed doors, don't let anyone know "thing." I obviously knew, but nobody else did. I stood there with this mystery guy and led him into the kitchen with everyone else. "Oh Brian, how are you?" my Aunt said coming over to him. "Ah Grace I am doing great doll face." I looked at her and looked at him, they know each other? This day is getting just to weird for me. My Aunt looked at me, staring at him, "Oh, Brian this is my niece Mandy, Mandy this is Brian, his is Chris's good friend and roommate." He comes over and grabs my hand, "Nice to finally meet you, officially," he said smirking. "Uh ya nice to meet you too, again," I say with a slight laugh. My Aunt looks confused, "You two met?" I laugh and say, "Well kinda, I ran into him at the corner store this morning." Brian laughed and said, "Yes she did, literally." Aunt Grace stands there for a moment and finally puts the pieces together. She pulls me over to the side and whispers, "He is a good guy, makes good money, sweet, handsome..." I cut her off, "Aunt Grace, I am not looking for anyone, and plus I don't live here remember? It would be pointless." She looks at me and says, "You never know you can move here.."

After some awkward silence I decide to excuse myself and try to enjoy the party and ignore the fact that I am drooling over Brian. I hung out with some family I haven't seen in a long time and some that I didn't even know existed. But that's usually how these family reunions work, you meet family you never knew you had then you don't ever see them again anyway. After about 4 hours the party was finally dying down and there were only a few people left. I felt like I needed to step out for a bit. Aunt Grace had a gorgeous backyard with a gazebo. I decided to go sit there with my glass of wine and take in the sunset. I heard footsteps behind me, thinking it was Roxy I asked, "You almost ready for bed? You seem like your pretty tired." I hear a deep mans laugh, "Hey now we just met, save that for our second date." I almost spit my drink out and turn around to see Brian. "Oh man sorry, I thought you were my friend Roxy." I said covering my red face. He sat down across from me and said, "You mean that little blonde chicky?" I knew it, the guys always flock to her. I sigh and say, "Yup, that would be her." He smiled at me and said, "Oh well her and Chris slipped out about 10 minutes ago, not to sure where they went but I think I may have an idea." I rolled my eyes and said, "Of course they did. Such animals." He laughed and said, "Hey animals have needs ya know?" I looked at him and just shook my head. He walked over to me, "Whats wrong girly, I don't know you and I can sense something is up." I smile and reply, "Just a lot of my mind is all." He sits next to me and says, "Well Im all ears if you want to talk." I look up at him, man the way the sun is setting he looks amazing...... "um no its ok. Don't want to bore you with my problems." He gets up and says, "Suit yourself, but if you need, im not far." He gets up and walks back towards the house. There I am left by myself with now even MORE on my mind. Why, why the hell did this guy have to come into my life now? Especially when he lives 4 hours away? "Grrrrrrrrrrr..." I hear a chuckle, " Dont need to growl honey, Im still here." I burry my face in my hands, "sorry didn't think you were still out here." I really am something else. Brian is going to think I have some serious problems here soon.  I sit outside a bit longer until everyone clears out and I finally make my way back inside the empty house.

Around 10 pm I hear Roxy outside with Chris. I peek out the window and see him and her giggling and hugging. Man she is lucky. She was with him before he left and its like nothing ever changed with them. She comes inside after couple minutes, "Hey girly how was your night?" She has a smile plastered on her face. "Oh ya know, the usual. I can tell YOU had a good night by the smile on your face." She blushes and says, "Ya I had a great night, but nothing happened like you think. We just snuck off to go get some ice cream and talk. Like old times." I laugh and say, "Suuuuuuure you did." Her face was so red and all she could do was giggle. It was getting late and I still had another  2 days before I headed back to PA. I decided to try to get some sleep and maybe tomorrow go explore a bit and see what Staten Island had to offer.

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