Chapter 19 : Warning

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Mandys POV : 

Its been a week since the Brian incident and I still havent spoke to him. I keep saying to myself, "why am I so mad? We werent even together. He is able to do what he pleases," but it still hurts even when I say it over and over. I need to let go and that's it. Sal is the only one I talk to daily. He will text me just to see how I am and its the sweetest thing. A friend like him is so hard to come by anymore. The guys have a show tonight in the city and Sal invited me to go, but I had to decline since I would be seeing you know who. So instead i am going to hang out with my Aunt and my cat much fun.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

Sal: Hey You! How are you today?

Me: I am doing pretty good :)

Sal: Great! So you are sure you dont want to tag along tonight?

Me: Haha yes I am sure but thank you. Im going to stay home and maybe watch a movie with my Aunt.

Sal: Ok, well if you want I can swing by after and hang out.

Me: Sure! Ill order some food for us when you get here then.

Sal: Awesome, then I will see you after 10.

Me: Ok, have a good show, ttyl

Sal: I will, see ya later.

Well I wont be completely bored tonight! The whole afternoon I cleaned up the house a bit and tried to find a good movie to watch for later with my Aunt. Kinda tough since she is older and I dont want no awkward sex scene with my aunt there. I decided on going with Blended, cause honestly, who doesnt love a good Adam Sandler movie? After a while of sitting there Roxy came out of the bedroom.

"Hey girl, whats up?" she asks stretching her arms.

"Umm seeing as its like 3 pm already, Im just now sitting down to relax. How do you sleep all day like that?" I ask grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"Hey we both had the day off and I took advantage of it," she said.

"Haha but you sleep like this on the weekends too, my body would be so groggy," I say taking a sip of my soda.

"Well, I just need my beauty sleep. You should try it sometime, you feel great and can go all night without getting tired to early," she says grabbing her purse from the counter.

"Yeah i dont think so. I need to be up and doing something productive."

"Speaking of doing something, what are your plans for tonight?" She asks leaning over the counter.

"Umm movie with my Aunt and Sal is gonna swing by after his show tonight," I say examining my split ends on my hair.

"Ooooooo Sal is coming by, you've been seeing alot of him lately," she says with a smile on her face.

"Oh shut up its not even like that, were just friends and he has been there for me with this whole Brian thing," I say giving her alittle attitude.

"Ooooookkkkk well dont say I didnt warn you," she says walking into the bathroom.

"What does that mean??" I yell from the kitchen.

Warn me? Really? Why would she say something like that? I swear sometimes she confuses the hell out of me. I was getting a bit tired and decided to go lay down for a little since it was still early.

Knock Knock Knock

I hear the door and quickly get up, "Come in!" I yell trying to look awake.

"Hey girl, did you fall asleep?" Sal asks turning the light on.

"Oh shit what time is it?!" I ask looking for my phone.

"Haha its like 10:45, I tried calling and I got worried so I came over your Aunt let me in," Sal said leaning against the wall.

"Oh God I am so sorry I didnt mean to fall asleep, I didnt even know I was tired," I say sitting up and fixing my hair.

"Haha its ok, dont worry but I can let you go back to bed if you want and we'll catch up tomorrow," Sal says looking at me as if he wants me to say no.

"Acutally, now that I am awake Im not tired at all, I feel pretty energized. Roxy was right I should nap more often haha," I say pulling the blankets off me.

"Great so what do you want to do?" he asks looking around my room.

"Well, I am kinda hungry we can order food if you want," I ask.

He looks around for a minute and says, "How about we go out?"

My heart started pounding for some reason and my hands start to sweat, "Go out? Like where?" I ask.

"There is a nice little italian place across town, then we can come back here if you want and just hang out. I am just hungry for their pasta, it is amazing," He says licking his lips.

"Haha oh cool let me freshen up and I'll be right out," I say getting out of bed.

Ok ok so its only because he is hungry its not like a date or anything. Wait, why would I think its a date? Oh No! It can't be....ugh not happening this time heart sorry, but I am black listing you. We are friends and nothing more so you better just stop....

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