Chapter 13 : He Makes Me Complete

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Mandys POV :

The next day I dread going to work. I know I will have to see Brian in the afternoon for when he and the guys film. After yesterday, I dont know how to act around him. I know I blew him off first and I should of expected this but I guess I didn't think it would hurt so bad. Boy was I dumb for thinking that.

I get to work and see all my co-workers chatting in the back.

"Hey guys whats going on?" I ask peeking over the one girls shoulder.

"Did you see Brain Quinns Tweet this morning?" She asks looking at her phone.

"Um, no why? What does it say?" I ask punching in for the day.

She hands me her phone

BQQUINN: There is a special girl out there that I would like to say I am sorry to. You know who you are.

"I wonder who the girl is?" One girl asks.

"He must really like her to make a public tweet like that," another says.

My heart starts to pound...does he mean me? No can't be me, maybe he made some other girl mad or something but it cant be me...can it?

Its 12 and the crew starts rolling in to film for the show. I get so nervous I cannot even speak right to my co-workers.  I dont know what to say to him. Do I ask him about his tweet or just let it go? Oh this is gonna be a long afternoon.

I see Sal, Joe and Murr walk in but no Brian.

"Hey Mandy nice to see you again," Sal says to me.

"Hey Sal, how are you?" I ask still looking for Brian.

"Oh im doing good, I dont think you met the other guys yet have you?" He asks brining the guys in front of him.

"Hello Mandy, I'm James, or Murr whatever you want to call me," Murr says shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you Murr," I say.

"And I am Joe, I have heard a lot about you, nice to finally put a face to the name," Joe says shaking my hand.

"Hope it was all good, but nice to meet you too Joe," I say smiling.

I still dont see Brian, where could he be. Maybe he isn't filming here today with the guys. Just then I hear the door open. He walks in with his sun glasses on, his nugget shirt and blue jeans. He looks so good.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late forgot my phone at my house," He says taking his glasses off revealing his gorgeous eyes.

"You always forget something dont you Q, always the late one! " Murr says laughing.

"Shut up Ferret!," Q says shoving him playfully.

I try not to stare at him, but I cannot help myself. The crew starts to pile out and the guys goes in the back to get ready to start their filming. Some of the crew members go incognito in the shop and sit down at the tables. Two others go in the back with the guys. I was told to stay out front at the register with the guys as they come out and take their turns.

After some filming and messing with each other I cant continue with a straight face. These guys are brutal to one another. I have to have another girl come out and take my place while I take a break from not laughing on camera. Its not long after the guys are done filming and start packing up. We close the shop down while the cameras are being taken down and all the sound equipment. All the guys start gathering their stuff and head for the door to leave. They each made sure to say goodbye to me and thank my boss for letting them use the shop to film. The last one to leave is Brian as he is still in the back grabbing his stuff. I walk back to check on him.

"Hey..." I say shyly.

"Hey girly," he says.

I still love when he calls me that, "So you guys did great today, funny stuff," I say cleaning up the back room.

"Thanks its always fun with them guys," he replies grabbing his bag from the chair.

"So Brian...." I start to say.

Brian looks at me waiting for me to finish but I just cant.

"Never mind..." I say and turn around to walk out.

He then grabs my arm and spins me around.

"Mandy, I would do anything for you. I will wait for you as long as I have to if it means I can make you mine. Im sorry for anything and everything I did. Im not always perfect remember that, but I do know that I care about you and I want us to be a thing, but only when your ready," He blurts out.

I stand there in complete shock...

"Brian...I want to be with you so bad, I am just scared. I told you about my last relationship, and I dont want that to happen again. I like you, a a lot a lot...but I just want to make sure this is for real," I say looking into his eyes.

He grabs my hand and puts his other hand on my face, "Girly I will wait forever for you, when your ready, you tell me and I will be right there. I will be the happiest guy in the world when that day comes."

I can start to feel tears fall my eyes. This man makes me feel emotions I forgot I had. He makes me feel safe, content, happy....and...complete.

"Thank you Brian, you are a true gentleman, I will give you that," I say trying to laugh my tears away.

He smiles at me, "Ahh they say a good woman makes a good man, well you can see why I'm like this then."

"Mr. Quinn you just have all the rights words to say dont you?" I say playfully pushing him.

"Only when im with you babe," he says.

"Ok ok you better get going I gotta clean up this mess you and your buddies made," I say grabbing the cleaning stuff.

"See you clean too! Your gonna make a great girlfriend one day," he says ducking like im going to hit him.

I point my mop at him, "You better watch it Mr. Quinn!," I say playfully.

After he leaves my mind is at ease, I feel like 1000 pounds have been lifted off me. He doesn't hate me, he wants to be with me. Now if I can only convince myself that is will be ok and he isn't like my ex. This is good guy I got why cant my mind realize what my heart is saying? Stupid mind....wake up!!!!

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