Chapter 7 : Goodbye PA

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Mandys POV:

Its been about 2 1/2 weeks since I told Roxy I was willing to move away from PA and start a new. I put my two weeks notice in the day after I told her and here I am just finishing packing up the last couple boxes in my house. "Im exhausted!" Roxy said flopping on the couch. I flop next to her, "me too, but we are just about done and ready to move tomorrow." My Aunt Grace said we can stay with her as long as we need, which is great because I am not sure how long it will take a find a place. "I still cannot believe we are doing this, I mean this is our last night in this house, hell its our last night in PA!" Roxy squeals. I sit there and look out the window, still unsure if I am doing the right thing. "Yeah its so weird, I cant lie though, I am going to miss this place." Roxy looks at me like I have 3 heads, "You hate this place, all you ever did was complain about everything." I smile, "Yeah I did, but now that im leaving im going to miss it." Roxy just rolls her eyes. "So does Chris know we are leaving tomorrow or does he think its going to be another week?" I ask. "Oh he don't know yet, Im going to surprise him tomorrow when we get there. I cant wait to see his face." I let out a yawn, "Well, we should probably finish up quick, we got to be up early for when the moving truck gets here." Roxy agrees and we finish packing up the odds and ends before bed.

Brians POV:

"I still cant believe Roxy and Mandy will be here next week! This is such great news," Chris says as we enter our house. "Yeah man, its pretty cool," I say not paying too much attention to his excitement. Its been awhile since I seen Mandy or even talked to her. Maybe I wont even like her when I see her, I mean we were pretty drunk when she was up here last. I probably just had my beer goggles on. I have so much on my plate anyway to start any kind of relationship, with filming and our tour coming up soon it would be impossible. I just have to focus on my job and not pay any attention to her moving her. Not like I will see her much anyway she probably forgot all about me.

Mandys POV :

"WAKE UP ITS MOVING DAY!!" I hear Roxy yell in my ear at 6 am. "Ugh....five more minutes please im so tired." I grumble to her covering my head with the pillow. "No way girl, you need to get up and get moving the truck will be here in an hour!" she says opening the blinds in my room. "Ahhhh no sun go away!!" I yell. Roxy laughs and rips the blanket off me, "Now....GET UP!!!!" I have no choice but to drag my lifeless tired body up from bed and get dressed.

I walk into the kitchen, "Why, why do you always have to wake me up earlier then needed?" I say. Roxy sits there and laughs, "Because its now 6:20 am, you ALWAYS take longer to actually get up and move out of bed." I agree with her, because its so true. "Here I ran down to the store quick and grabbed us a coffee," she says handing me my large sweet smelling cup. "Mmmmm," I say taking a sip.

We gather the boxes into the living room and grab some of the bathroom stuff we had left from this morning. "Well, everything is all packed up and ready to go!" Roxy says smiling. I look around, kinda sad while looking at the empty hollow house. Bane then comes over and rubs against me. "Aww hey buddy, you ready for the big move?" I ask picking him up. He purrs with agreement. Minutes later we hear the truck outside and the doorbell rings. I look at Roxy, taking a deep breath, "This is it....we are moving to NY today. No going back now huh?" I ask. She comes over gives me a hug and says, "We got this girl, and I am there with you the whole time. Its going to be great for both of us."

I let in the two guys and they start taking boxes and furniture out to the truck one by one. Every box that leaves the house makes it look emptier and emptier and the tears start to well up. I grab Banes cat carrier and put him in just as the last couple boxes are being brought out. Roxy comes in, "You ready to go honey?" she asks. "Ya just give me one sec.," I say with tears falling. I turn around to give the house one last look over, "This is it, a lot of great memories here....goodbye house....goodbye PA." With that being said I lock my door one last time and make my journey to NY to start my new life.

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