Chapter 21 : I Need To Fix This

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Brians POV:

I haven't seen or heard from Mandy in over a week and everyday it kills me. I try texting her and I never get a response back so I try to play it off as if I am fine but I am not. I've been drinking more and have not really left the house unless its to film or run to the store. I can't believe I made such a mistake by kissing that girl. What an idiot I am. I need to make it up to her but in all honesty I cant figure out how.

I decided I need to call Sal and see if he can help me out.

Ring Ring Ring

Sal: Hey Brian, what's up?

Me: Not much...I need a favor to ask you.

Sal: Sure what is it?

Me: I need to make it up to Mandy and I really cant think of anything...

Sal: Oh...well....I don't know either. She is still really mad about it.

Me: It's been 2 weeks or so I mean I am sure she cooled off by now.

Sal: Well call her or something and say sorry. I don't know what else to tell you...

Me: Are you ok? Your acting weird buddy...

Sal: Yeah I am fine but I gotta go man, talk to you later.

Before I could say bye he hung up. Something sure isn't right with him. The sound in his voice seems like he's hiding something from me. I'm probably just paranoid, he wouldn't hide anything from me. Least I don't think he would...

Mandys POV :

I have had so much of my mind and I cannot wrap my head around it all. I love Brian, still after all that happened, but I think I like Sal too. I mean we did become intimate, but honestly I think it was the alcohol. Ugh I hate being so confused. I need to talk to someone I can trust...

"Hey, Aunt Grace can I talk to you about something?" I say peeking behind the doorway.

"Sure honey, come on in and sit down," she says patting on the couch.

"Ok, *sigh* well....." I say stammering every word.

"Spit it out kid, the quicker you say it the quicker I can help," she says laughing a bit.

"I love Brian....least I think I do, but he kissed another girl at the bar 2 weeks ago," I say.

"Then Sal took me home and we talked and he is so sweet and stuff...couple days ago we ended up...*ahem* you know... and well now im confused," I say looking down at my hands.

"Boy oh boy that is a lot...well after all is said and done who runs through your head more often?" she asks.

"Brian...but all I can picture is him kissing that girl," I say getting upset.

"Your thinking about him because he is the one you love, even though he hurt you. Do you think about Sal at all?" She asks.

"Well....I mean ya but not like I do Brian..." I say.

"Well you already answered you questions. Forgive Brain and move forward. You love him and I know he loves you back. One mistake shouldn't tear you guys apart." She says smiling at me.

Just then it clicks in my head....Brian is the one I want. Sal and me was a mistake, he is a great friend but Brian has my heart no matter what happened. I need to go tell him!!

"Thank you Aunt Grace!! I need to go talk to Brian!," I say giving her a kiss.

I run out the door into my car and start driving towards Brians house.

  As I am pulling up to Brians house, I see Sals car... "What the hell is he doing here?" I ask myself. I try to stay back a little as I see then coming out of the house. I can hear Brian talking.

"I still can't believe this, and I thought I loved her." I hear Brian say.

"I know man, I am sorry I was involved in this I feel like a terrible friend." Sal said to him.

"Don't worry about it man, were best friends and no girl is going to tear us apart." Brian said.

After that Sal got in his car and left. I still don't understand what Sal told him and why it was my fault? I am never going to get Brian back. I need to talk to Brian...I need to fix this...and fast!

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