Chapter 18 : I Think I Like Her

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Sals POV :

As I am walking home, I start to feel this odd feeling. can't I? I think I like Mandy. I can't do this to my best friend, although he did fuck up royally by kissing another girl. Oh no, how can I be feeling this?! I can't let nobody know, gotta keep this to myself.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

Brian: Hey man, have you heard from Mandy?

Me: Oh, umm yeah I just left her house.

Brian: You just left her house? Dude it's like 9 am...

Me: Oh yeah, well when I took her home last night I fell asleep on the couch.

Brian: Oh well how is she?

Me: Pissed, hurt, upset...

Brian: Yeah I really messed up..

Me: Twice I heard too.

Brian: Shit, Roxy called Mandy already Im guessing?

Me: Yup this morning before I left. Twice man, really?

Brian: Dude I was drunk and stupid and now I feel lost.

Me: Well she is really upset with you, I mean once you mess up you may of had a chance but twice in the same night....good luck buddy.

Brian: Fuck, I need to go talk to her or something today.

Me: I wouldn't today, let her cool off for a day or two.

Brian: You think?

Me: Yeah she needs to just vent out with Roxy for a day then go talk to her.

Brian: Ok, thanks Sal, your a great friend.

Me: Yup. Im almost home I will text you later Brian.

Brian: Ok buddy, bye.

I walk into my house and go lay on the couch.

"I cant like her, Brian is to in love with her..." I say staring at the ceiling.

"But how can I tell my heart no, I cannot help my feelings."

I feel so confused I think I just need to go back to sleep for a bit and try to force myself to stop this....

Sorry this is a short chapter, I just wanted to get Sal's POV in here. Thank you to everyone reading and I really hope you are enjoying this story. I will make sure to write more as soon as I can. Comments always welcomed for feedback :) :) :) :)

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