Chapter 32: Emptiness

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Mandys POV:

I start to open my eyes and the first person I see above me is Brian with tears rolling down his face.
"Mandy.....Mandy, hey are you ok?"
I look around, the ambulance is still here,  police and the whole neighborhood is outside.
I look around, "yeah...i mean no, I mean I don't know..."
I stand up and grab Brian in a big hug crying my eyes out.
He pets my head, " I know girly, I'm here if you need anything.  I'm so so sorry Mandy."

2 weeks have gone by and we already had the funeral for my Aunt Grace but I still can't fathom that she is gone. I still haven't started cleaning anything from her room, the house just feels so empty without her here I hate it. Brian has been a wonderful help though.  He's been over everyday to check up on me and Roxy. He really has been a life saver through all this.


Brian: Hey you up for a night out?

Me: Ummm...I mean I should stay here and get something done.

Brian: Sweetheart.....please you need a night away from there just to get your mind off everything.

Me: Ok...I guess. I just think I should stay and maybe get something done around here.

Brian: Not tonight, tonight it's me and you having fun. I miss your smile girly. I'll pick you up around 7.

Ughhhh how and I supposed to have fun when I'm still mourning? I can't go out it's not right.

"You need to get out of here. You only ever leave for work and to go to the store," I hear Roxy saying from the kitchen.  She walks over to me with sympathy in her eyes, "Mandy I know this is hard but your Aunt wouldn't want you depressed everyday.  Please go out and have fun. I'll have Chris come over to help with some stuff.  Go enjoy your self." I look at her with a half smile,  "Thank you for like everything you are an amazing friend." She laughs and replies,  "I know I am pretty awesome."  I just roll my eyes and laugh.

I guess I should get ready for my night out with Brian. We haven't had a "date" in such a long time I'm actually kind of nervous.....

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