Chapter 12 : I Think I Love Her

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Mandys POV :

Its been 2 weeks since I told Brian that I just wanted to be friends. I just cannot be sucked into a relationship after my last one. My last relationship was horrible and when I finally got out I swore to never get into another one until I fully knew the person and knew his intentions were good. I just have bad luck with guys that's all.

"Have you seen Brian in a while?" Roxy asked while we were getting ready for work.

"No, he hasn't been in the shop since I told him..." I said being cut off.

"Mandy, you need to get over our ex, every guy is not like him. Brian is a good guy and he really likes you," Roxy said with concern in her voice.

"Yeah, well I just can't take that chance, as much as I like Brian....I just cant, not yet at least," I say grabbing my purse from the counter.

Roxy just sighed and left for work. I know she means well and all but she has never been in a bad relationship like me, she just doesn't understand. I hurry to work as I am running a bit late.

 I walk around the corner to my work and see a camera crew, and some sounds guys. "Did I miss something?" I say to myself. I walk in and see my boss standing there.

"Hey whats going on?" I ask looking around as cameras are being set up all over the shop.

"Oh that show impractical jokers is going to be taped here tomorrow, they are setting up cameras and mics around the place for when they film," he says excitedly.

"Oh...well as long as they don't interfere with my job I don't mind," I say heading back behind the counter.

After about an hour the crew leaves and explains some stuff to our boss about tomorrow and we all have to sign a waiver before they leave. The morning drags out so bad. I look at the clock and its only 11:00 am. I still have a half hour until my lunch break. I stand there behind the counter making some fresh coffee when I hear the door open. I turn around and Im face to face with Sal.

"Oh hey Sal, you hear to check out the place before filming?" I ask.

He looks around, "Ya something like that."

Im getting a very weird vibe off of Sal. I am not sure what is going on or why he is really here because since hes been here all he has done is sit on his phone.

"Um can I get you something Sal?" I ask with a confused look on my face.

"Oh yeah can I get a orange juice, to go?" He asks still looking at his phone.

"Sure thing, that will be $1.00," I say handing him his drink.

"Thanks Mandy, see ya tomorrow I guess," He says paying me and walking towards to the door.

I sit back down behind the counter and think to myself how weird that was...he was acting not like the Sal I know. I wonder what the hell he was doing....

"Mandy go take your lunch break!," my boss yells to me from the back.

I take my apron off, grab my purse and head out the door. Im not even hungry, I just need some fresh air. I go outside and sit on our patio chairs that are out front. I see lots of people walking up and down the street, lots of cars driving by and then I see him....

"Hey Girly, long time no see," Brian says flashing me his smile.

"Oh hey Brian, how you been?" I ask trying to avoid eye contact.

"Ehe been busy filming," He says running his hands through his hair.

"Yeah, I see your filming here tomorrow. The camera crew was here this morning," I say.

"Yeah producers thought the coffee shop would be a cool place to do some skits," he says looking at his phone and kinda smiling.

"So...yeah I guess I better get back to work, my lunch is almost over," I say getting up and grabbing my purse.

"Yup, see ya around," He says with almost no emotion.

What the hell was that?! He seemed so distant like he didn't even care. I lost him...the way he talked, his body language, its over, I lost my chance.

Brians POV :

She looked so beautiful, that girl can never not look good I swear. If only she could see how I see her and how I think about her...she is perfect.


Sal : Hey Buddy whats going on?

Me : Not much just ran into Mandy...

Sal : And????

Me: And what?

Sal: What happened, anything?

Me: No, just a quick talk she had to get back to work.

Sal: When are you going to just convince her to be with you already?

Me: Im not...she will be with me when she feels its right.

Sal: You may be waiting a long time for that buddy.

Me: I'll wait as long as I have to.

Sal: Your love struck man..

Me: Shut up, I just like her that's all, nobody said love.

Sal: Uh huh, ok man. Well I'll see ya tomorrow.

Me: Later you goon.

Love struck....pfffft what a goof. I never said I loved anyone...I mean love? I haven't loved any one in a long time. But I do think about her everyday, every minute, I always want to know she is ok, I would do anything for that girl.....oh God....I think I DO love her.......

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