Chapter 40 ;

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"Brynn. I literally don't have time to be sitting here and dealing with all this bullshit. I can't stand it."

"Lucy, please just calm down."

"I can't, I need to know what the hell is going on."

"Yea me too. So, why don't you sit down and explain what's up." Brynn said gesturing to the chairs parallel to us. We sat down and I took a deep breath before opening my mouth again.

"Ashton really really wants to have a kid. Like, right now. But, I'm still supposed to be going to school, eventually, I mean, I don't even fucking know if I can still go. But that's not the point right now. I'm just still really young. But the doctor even told me that right now would be the best time to have a baby because I still have eggs, and I shouldn't risk waiting longer and if the cancer comes back, I could lose them, I don't know. It's been about a month or so since Ashton and I went to the doctors and found out I was still fertile. That night we had sex. And, well, we've had sex at least six other times after that." I blushed.

"Lucy, I knew about all of this, except the sex part. Did you do it every time unprotected?"

"Yea. Every single time. I could very well be pregnant right now. I have no idea, but I should be starting soon, so I suppose that'll answer my question. I really, I'm just no sure if this is what I want right now."

"Well, let me just put it to you like this, because it's the only way I can. Just do what you guys normally would. Have sex just as much as you normally would. Whether it be a lot or not, that's up to you guys. But you don't have to intentionally try to right now. But, if you do end up getting pregnant, that'd be great for you guys. But if not, after a while, you can really start trying. Like, REALLY start trying. Because you guys both are still really young, and I know that right now me and Luke would definitely not be ready for a child, but I understand the situation you guys are in and I completely get it and I don't blame you for thinking about it. You guys are fantastic people and you guys would make fantastic parents." She concluded.

"I love you Brynn, thank you. I really don't even know what to say to that other than thank you, you always give great advice."


"The boys and I are working on new music." 

"Really? Is it like your old music?"

"It's alright." He shrugged.

"Shut the hell up, you never give yourselves enough credit." I rolled my eyes. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. It's been about a week or so since Brynn and I talked.  When I came out of the bathroom Ashton wasn't on the bed. I went back into the bathroom and threw my hair into a small bun, since it's still in the process of growing back, and slipped some pj shorts on with one of Ashton's t-shirts. I removed my makeup and returned to bed awaiting Ashton's return. That is until he yelled for me.

"Whaaaaat?!" I yelled back. No response. So, I waited. Then, I yelled again. "Ashton! What do you want?" Still, nothing. I began to panic. I grabbed the remote off the side table as a weapon and climbed out of bed. I slowly and cautiously made my way out of the room and down the hall. I curiously peeked my head around the corner and still, nothing. I walked through the little sitting room and into the dinning room, that is not used for dinning at all. It's used more as a mud room. I made my way into the kitchen and that's when I noticed that this entire time all the lights were off, because all the light I had in the kitchen was one single candle. I walked over to the candle, curious to why it was the only light source. Next to it was a note that read,

Meet me downstairs. I've arranged something (;

I wasn't nearly as nervous as I was, but then again, what the fuck does Ashton have up his sleeve? Scratch that, I'm still nervous. However, I set the remote on the counter and proceeded to the stairs. I flipped on the switch and noticed little, what the hell? Broken glass? I picked up each piece as I went down the stairs and it was dark once again. In the distance, small candles lined the coffee table. I hope there's no more glass as I continue to follow all of Ashton's clues. The broken glass still cupped in my hand, I walked to the candles and looked left where more candles lined the floor. The turned into the spare room we have down stairs. I followed the path into the room and immediately started crying.



It was very tricky trying to pull this off in enough time so that the candles didn't melt down and burn out, and have the glass lied out, and to make sure everything was safe. That  was the tricky part. And then I had to be absolutely quiet, and I had to be quick as hell. Now of course, Brynn, Luke, Michael, Calum, Luce's mum, Brad, and Jay were all here to help me out which was cool as fuck, but it's still stressful.

So here we are, all sitting in the basement of home waiting anxiously. I yelled for Lucy upstairs, and she yelled back. Twice. I couldn't say anything because that would give away my location. I hear her feet patter across the floor, slowly, the woods creeks. A few more minutes of anticipation and finally you can hear the stairs begin to creek. My heart begins to race. My face is hot and I'm sweating, and I'm a hundred percent positive these candles are not helping.

I hear her slow foot steps get closer to the room where I, and everyone else, is located. I'm currently standing in the heart of candles. Literally. I'm standing in the middle of a heart made out of lit candles. That was Brynn's idea. Michael, being the cheesy bastard he is, went and bought fake rose petals too. So I'm also standing on artificial flower petals.

As Lucy got closer, I prepared myself. I pulled the box out of my pocket and got down on one knee. I feel like a grown ass twenty year old. As soon as Lucy walked through the door she began crying, she dropped whatever she had been carrying so she could cover her face. I stood back up and walked closer to her.

"Lucy Marie Baker. You are my light, my world, my rock, whatever you want to be, whatever I want you to be, you are. I love you so much. I can't even imagine a dull moment spent with you and I don't want to imagine a dull moment for our future. You're such an awesome person and I love spending every second I can with you. I appreciate everything you can do, and try your best to do for me every single day. I would love to spend the rest of my life with you Lucy. Will you marry me?"

Lucy couldn't exactly answer me because she was crying so hard, but she nodded her head, so I slipped the ring on her finger. I held her in my arms for a moment and felt a tear slip from my eye.

"I got it on camera!" Brynn shouted. Everyone looked over, including Lucy and I. Everyone was emotional, but I couldn't be any happier right now.

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