Chapter 24. Part 2;

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"What? How did you kno-" I was cut off by Ashton.

"Wait, you what?" He uttered.

"Uhm, nothing?" I offered with a slight shrug.

""Uhm, nothing my ass! You kissed my best friend?!" He exclaimed.

"I was drunk, and he was drunk, and it was a mistake! He kissed me, and I pushed him away! You can even ask him! If he even remembers..." I said quietly.

"I seriously can't and Calum? What?" He spat in disbelief.

"Ashton, it was an accident! I didn't even want it to happen!" I yelled defensively.

"It still fucking happened!" He shouted.

"Fucking yell at Calum! Not me! I'm not the one who kissed him! He fucking kissed me!" I growled.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't wanna hear your stories. Just, get out of my house." He mumbled.

"Fine. Don't ever talk to me again. I guess I'll raise this baby alone." I muttered, storming to the living room to grab my things.

I knelt down to grab my bag and just sat there, sobbing.

"What the hell are you still doing here? I told you to leave." Ashton seethed from behind me. I couldn't see him but I felt hi negative energy from across the room.

I turned around, looked him dead in the eyes, wiped my tears and said,

"Fuck you Ashton Irwin. I hope I never see you again."

With that I grabbed my bag and purse and stomped out of his house.

I started my car and put it in reverse. As I drove down the street I couldn't stop crying. I could barely see anything, so I pulled over. I gripped the steering wheel as hard as I could and rested my head on my hands. My sobs got louder and my breaths were shorter. I couldn't breath.

Every attempt I took a taking a deep breath failed because I couldn't stop crying.

I managed to calm down, take a few deep breaths and manage my cries. I wiped my now, blotchy red face, clean from tears, and took off back down the road.

This has got to be the second worst day of my life.


-Ashton's POV-

When I came into the living room and heard her sobbing, it broke me. Then when I saw how hurt she was after I said what I said, I was on the verge of tears myself. I didn't even mean to say that, I was just beyond pissed with the idea of them two kissing.

It tore me apart when she said, "I hope I never see you again".

I know she meant it because I could see it in her eyes. That's what hurt me the most. I love Lucy to death. I will do whatever I can to get her to forgive me, but it's not going to be easy. Once she says something, she sticks to it.

She told me never to talk to her again. This is gonna be tricky.

Wait, shit! She said she was gonna raise the baby alone, which means she actually is pregnant. Fuck. I need to fix things. Fuck, fuck, fuck.


"I can't believe you guys broke up." Brynn whined.

"Yea, shut up. I'd rather not talk about it." I nodded, hugging my oversized, stuffed leamer. I won it a few years ago at a fair. I tell all my secrets to her. I also named her Fluffus. I'm a dweeb, I know.

"It's just crazy. You told him that Calum is the one who kissed you right?" She tsked.

"Of course I did. He was to pissed to believe me."

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