Chapter 29;

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"Hey Lucy." He smiled warmly.

"What are you doing here?" I wondered.

"You said we'd talk. So..?" He chuckled nervously.

"Yea. I was gonna call you though.." I uttered.

"I'm sorry. I'll go." He sighed. He stood up off my couch and tottered to the door. He reached for the handle and tug the door open. 

"No. Stay.." I murmured.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yea. We might as well talk now." I shrugged. He followed me downstairs into the basement where we sat on the sofa couch together. We kept a safe distance, not mkaing things to awkward, but still awkward.

"So.." He started.

"Let me talk." I blurted. He flinched away and closed his mouth.

"You have to believe me when I tell you something. You can't always assume I'm lying until I'm done telling my story. You don't intterupt me when I'm talking and tell me to shut the fuck up. You are my boyfriend, not my father. Now, I could've kept what I did a secret and never told you, but I did. You had no right to get that furious with me, when it wasn't even my fault. I did nothing to deserve your rude behavior. Then when you beat the shit out of Calum, that really pissed me off. Calum is my friend. Sure, he did something stupid, but he was drunk, and he was having a hard time with Lucy. He was stressed, and drunk. If it wasn't obvious, those are not a good combination. I know this is the first real fight we've had, and I know we'll have more. So, I'm going to be completely honest with you right now. I am a month and half pregnant. When I wsa in Hawaii, I met a guy named Marco. He was very nice, and he treated me good. I think I started to get feelings for him the first couple days, but I found myself thinking about you the entire time. You occupy my mind twenty four seven. You're the love of my life, and father of this alien. I'm still not sure what I want to do about it. And no, I will not let you convince me into any idea. I will make the desicion on my own. I know that sounds harsh, but I frankly don't care. Now with all that being said, I hope we can come to some sort of understanding." I rambled. 

Ashton's face was changing with every word I said. When i confirmed the pregnancy, he was on the verge of tears. I do truely love this man, but I can't stand his trust issues when I've been telling the truth this whole time.

"Lucy, I..I just.. I don't know. I'm so fucking lost for words." He groaned. "That's a lot of information."  

"I mean, yea of course. I'll listen to your side of the story everytime. You're my rock, and I don't know where I'd be without you. I don't care what you do with the baby, I want you to keep it, but a part of me doesn't want you to. I'm not sure how I feel about that marco guy, but I don't care about it. You're here with me. Where you belong." He nodded. I smiled at his warm gesture and scooted closer to him. "I'm here for you Lucy. Forever and always."

"I know Ashton. I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled. I scooted even closer and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. As close as he could possibly get me. I missed this feeling. I looked up and locked my eyes with his. I couldn't help the blush that crept across me face as he closed the space. But I've missed this more.


"I see you two resolved your issues." My Mum smiled as we walked into the kitchen hand in hand.

"Yea." I nodded, looking up at him. He returned the small gesture and kissed my forehead.

"Enough you two. Get a room." Brad teased.

"Shut up." I blushed. I released Ashton's hand and walked over to the counter and made my plate for breakfast. "Want anything?" I said with a piece of bacon hanging out of my mouth.

"Only you." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and continued putting food on my plate. When I sat down, Ashton joined me with a plate of food also. Both consisting of eggs, bacon, sausages, and pancakes. I love when Brad makes breakfast.

"So, where's Jay?" I wondered.

"He already ate and took off down the street to hang our with Bryan." Mum nodded. 

"Do you guys have any plans for valentines day?" Brad wondered.

"Oh, I don't know." I uttered looking over at Ashton. He was holding up one finger while he swallowed his food, meaning wait a second. 

"Yea. We do, but it's a surprise of course."

"What the hell Ashton?" I chuckled. My Mum gave me a warning look, like watch your mouth young lady. I rolled my eyes but continued pasturing Ashton.

"Yea, I have plans for us. There's nothing wrong with that." He shrugged. I sighed and continued eating. This guy is full of surprises.


"You guys are okay again?!" Brynn shrieked when she attacked me in a hug.

"Yea." I chuckled, wrapping my arms so tightly around her.

"I missed you.!" She whined, hugging me tighter.

"I know, I miss you too!" I wailed. She pulled away and looked at me.

"Holy shit. You're tan as fuck." She muttered. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Where's Lucas?" I murmured.

"It's Luke. And he's inside waiting." She nodded.

"Luke. Lucas. Same difference." I shrugged.

"Shut up. There is a difference. He likes being called Luke." She warned. I playfully glared at her and she basically dragged me and Ashton inside. Luke was on the couch playing some game.

"M-hm." Brynn murmured, clearing her throat. Luke looked up at us and smiled. Then continued to play his game.

"Screw you too. Lucas." I muttered, plopping down on the couch.

"What? I'm ready. I was waiting for your slow asses." He chuckled.

"Bitch shut up." Ashton chuckled.

"You shut up asshole." Luke retorted.

"Can we just go?" Brynn and I laughed at the same time.






*A/N Yay. Chapter 29!

Sorry. I've just been...busy.

I love you guys! The second update will be later on today. Or early tomorrow! <3 I love you guys and thank you for reading wait! <3

Byeee <3

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