Chapter 8;

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"How do I look?" I wondered, looking at myself in the full body mirror.

"You look great, now go. Go have fun with your lover." Brynn winked, pushing me out my front door.

As soon as I walked outside, Ashton was walking up my pathway.

"You look cute." He winked.

"Thanks, Brynn picked my outfit." I uttered.

"It looks nice." He grinned.

I have on skinny jeans, a dark blue ruffled tank top with a white shaw thing, and blue vans.

I straightened my wavy mess of hair, and applied soft makeup. Nothing major.

"Thanks, shall we?" I grinned poking my elbow out for him to link his with mine.

"We shall." He chirped.

We walked off in some direction.headed to God knows where.



*Brynn's POV*

Capris, a plaid flannel, black vans, with my dark brown hair curled, makeup acceptable, and a decent amount of perfume is what I decided on wearing to meet Luke's Mum.

Now that Lucy's known for two days that Luke and I have been seeing eachother, he wants me to go meet his family.

We've been seeing eachother for a week and three days. And we've known eachother for like three weeks I think.

I was ripped from my thoughts as someone pounded on my front door.

I left my bathroom and jogged to the door.

I pulled it open and Luke was leaning on the door frame.

Black jeans with a hole in the right knee, a black blink 182 tshirt, and black vans. He had his hair flipped back, and it was really hot.

"Oh my God! We're matching shoes!" I exclaimed in excitement.

"We are!" He laughed. "You look beautiful." He added, leaning in to kiss me.

I leaned up to his freakishly tall figure and pecked his lips. Though it was simple, it was enough to set the explosives off.

"Thank you." I grinned pulling him inside.

He sat and made himself at home on my couch.

"Almost ready?" He wondered.

"Uh, yea. I've just gotta take my medicine then we can go." I nodded.

"Medicine? What for?" He questioned puzzled.

"Allergies." I informed.

He sighed in relief.

"Thought something was wrong." He breathed.

"Oh no, just around this time of year, it being spring and all, my allergies get horrible." I uttered, walking off into the kitchen.

I grabbed my medication and two small tablets of Zyrtec.

I went back into the living room and sat on Luke, straddling his waist, holding his legs down with my ankles.

"What's going on?" He laughed.

I just stared into his eyes seductively.

I started to slowly bite my lip, licking my lips afterward.

I leaned in and slowly kissed his lips. I quickly pulled away, staring deeply into his eyes.

He was holding his head up striving.for more. I giggled, giving in.

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