Chapter 20;

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Today, is Brynn's birthday. She's nineteen. Yup, I'm young. But I don't care. I mean, I guess I'm not that young because Luke, Michael, and Calum are seventeen and I'm eighteen. Hah, I don't care. I don't know when there birthdays are though. They may or may not have already turned eighteen. It's my mission to find out because I turn nineteen in March.

Anyway, today is the day of the big party, and Luke has been home for two days now. He actually woke up not to long after the nurse informed us that he was still alive. It was such a huge relief and everyone was crying tears of happiness. It was just a big emotional mess. 

He feels a trillion times better, according to him anyway. So, the plan is still in full effect. Right now, Ashton and I are rushing around trying to get all the decorations together and everything else. The DJ will be there around four, and the party starts at five thirty. It's three thirty now.

"Babe, what else do we need?" Ashton pondered, carrying the bags from the trunk into the hotel.

"After we drop this stuff off, we need to go pick up her cake." I chided, pushing the hotel door open with my bum.

"Do you want me to go get it?" He asked.

"No. I'll go with you. We'll decorate when we get back." I pastered.


We went up in the elevator and waited to hear the familiar ding and we stepped out, dragging our bags behind us. Once we reached the hotel room, I set my bags down and grabbed my key card and pushed it in the lock. the door swung open and we pushed ourselves in there.

We set all the bags down on the couch and walked right back out into the hall.

"Let's go." I smiled.


"This cake turned out great." I grinned, admiring the three teared cake. 

It was all white frosting with a light lavender purple, fading into a dark purple with flowers cascading down the side. On the top it says 

Happy Birthday Brynn! We love you!

Since you know, we all kinda chipped in with this party cause you know, it was super expensive, and a poor teenager couldn't afford it alone.

"It did. Do you think she's gonna like it?" Ash pondered.

"She better. It's gorgeous." I laughed.

"You're right. I think she might even cry." He smirked.

"She might." I nodded. "Be careful over the bumps and turns. This cake was ninety dollars." I huffed.

"Yes ma'am." He soluted. I rolled my eyes as he took his foot of the gas peddle slightly, slowing the car down a lot. 

"Go faster smart ass." I chided.


Everything was up. The place looked fantastic. There were purple and white balloons everywhere, and the DJ was finishing the light fixtures over on the patio. This party is seriously about to be hype.

We hired this guy for a pop up bar and he also is setting up on the patio.

Brynn better love me forever after tonight.

A lot of people were already here, including Calum, his girlfriend Lucy, Michael, and his girlfriend Laurel and a bunch of other peopke Brynn and I talked to in highschool. She kept in touch with quite a few of them considering we graduated only a year ago.

Ashton and I walked out onto the patio together. We ended up getting the room without the pool, because a bunch of drunk people would stumble and fall into it. Alcohal and a pool aren't exactly the greatest mix.

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