Chapter 31;

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"What'd Ashton get you for Valentines day?" Brynn asked, twirling her pandora bracelet around her wrist.

This is the first time we've seen each other since Valentines day. So niether of us have seen each others gifts, or told each other what we got. 

"You haven't seen it yet?" I teased, holding out my left hand.

"Holy shit, he proposed?!" She freaked.

"No dip shit, it's a promise ring." I giggled.

"Well, fuck, it's almost the same damn thing!" She exclaimed.

"Hardly." I huffed.

"But have you seen it, it's freaking gorgeous!" She piped.

"It's been on my finger for over a week now. Of course I've seen it." I laughed softly.

"It's so fucking pretty. I hate Ashton. Just kidding, I hate Luke." 

"You're such and idiot, but we should probably get ready for work." I uttered.

"Yea, you're probably right. Are you taking Jay out later?" She wondered.

"Shit. I completely forgot that it's Friday. Yea. Do you wanna tag along? I'll probably just take him bowling. Ask Luke to go! I'm bringing Ashton whether he wants to or not." I chuckled.

"For sure, we're gonna kick ass at bowling." She said proudly.

"Right, I'll do good scoring that solid fifty." I sarcastically smiled.

"Pft, right. I haven't bowled in ages." She said shaking her head. 

"Me either, but I'm gonna get going, cause work and stuff, and my clothes are at home.."

"Cool, see you at work." She chirped as I slid out her front door.


"What's that on your finger?" Shane asked.

"What are you talking about?" I wondered, confused by his random question.

"That ring on your finger, you're not marrying this kid are you?" He said pitifully.

"Shane. Stop." I sighed.

"No Lucy. I'm not gonna stand for you trying to marry some guy because you think you love him." He spat.

"Go smoke a cigarette or something." I uttered.

"You're fucking kidding right? You're serious? You're going to marry this child?" He kept egging it on.

"Seriously Shane! It's not even a damn engagement ring! It's a promise ring, get the fuck over it! And also, he's not a fucking child, he's going to be twenty in a few months!" I exclaimed, storming out of the stock room.

"Lucy, if you walk out of this building, I swear, you'll be fired." Shane warned.

"Whoa, what the hell is going on here?" Brynn asked, joining the scene.

"Good. I'll collect the benefits." I huffed.

"Is anyone gonna tell me what's going on here, or?" Brynn asked, lost.

"You're friend here got a promise from her little boyfriend." Shane muttered.

"Oh my God, I know, isn't it adorable!?" Brynn exclaimed.

"Shut up Brynn. You act like he just proposed to me. You're being rediculous. Why do you care so much anyway?" I volleyed.

"Do you really want to know?" 

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