Chapter 3;

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"Brynn, it's been a week and he still hasn't texted me. And of course I didn't ask for his number." I said sarcastically.

"Just be patient Lucy. He was well into you at the park. And from the little I saw at the party. Maybe he's been busy." She soothed.

"You're probably right. But listen, I've gotta take a shower, I've got an interview for college today." I uttered.

"Alright. Talk later?"

"Always." I chirped then hung up.

I set my phone down on my side table. Being the only one home, it's really quite.

I went to my dresser and grabbed a pair of light blue Jean capris. I also grabbed a plain white v-neck t-shirt, a bra, underwear, and a pair of socks.

I grabbed my phone and iPod doc and walked down the hall some to the bathroom.

I started the shower and let the hot steam fill the room while I put on my paramore playlist.


Once I got out of the shower, I only put on eyeliner and mascara. I'm not big on makeup.

After that, I threw my soft wavy hair up in a ponytail. A lose ponytail that looked cute.

I walked out of the bathroom with my phone and iPod doc and went back in my bedroom. I set them.both down on my dresser.

I reached in my closet and grabbed a pair of black converse and slipped them on over my neon pink socks.

I walked to the kitchen, phone in hand. I looked around and spotted my keys. I grabbed them and walked out the front door.


"Mrs. Baker, what makes you a good fit for this school?" Mr. Brice wondered.

"Well sir, I enjoy cooking a lot and I would just like to progress in my work and learn new recipes and learn how to work around the clock and get things done faster, but so they still taste good." I explained.

"Ok, we'll contact you in three to four days. You did great today." Mr. Brice smiled standing up to give me a handshake.

"See you later Mr. Brice." I smiled walking out of the small room I did my interview in.

I made my way around the school and found the front doors. I walked into the fresh spring air, searching for my car in the large parking lot.

Once it was found, I unlocked it and climbed in.

I started my car and pulled out my phone.

"Hey sweetie, how did it go?" My Mum answered.

"Uhm, great Mum. Mr. Brice said not to worry and he'll call in three to four days." I explained.

"Congrats honey! But listen, your father is in town." She muttered.

"What.?" I stammered.

"Yea. He came by the house and asked for you." She sighed. "He really wants to see you."

"I don't want to see him." I stated.

"He didn't do anything wrong!" She defended.

"Mum, please. I don't want to start anything." I pleaded.

"I'm just saying. Just give him another chance?" She suggested.

"Never." I spat. After a moment of silence, I just hung up on her.


"You know the whole story between me and my dad. I just can't be home while he's here." I rambled.

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