Chapter 19;

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I got a call from a University in California. UCLA. They offered me a full scholarship. I can go for free. But I can't leave Ashton. Or Jay, or Brynn, or Shane, or even my Mum even though she pisses me off. So, I declined.

It may have been stupid to decline that offer. UCLA is one of the best schools in central LA and I've dreamt all my life of going there, but I just can't bring myself to pack my bags and leave for three years, leaving everyone behind. I can afford to come home and visit, but it's not like my friends or boyfriend could afford to fly to LA when I'm missing them.

Since I'm not going,  I've decided not to tell anyone about the offer, because then they will encourage me to go, and I'll go, then I'll regret it. So it's best left unsaid.

I've been at Brynn's house for a little over a week. It's Tuesday and Brynn's birthday is in two days. She's been trying not to talk about it because she doesn't want anyone, especially Luke to buy her anything, but I've been non-stop talking about it. On Thursday night last week, we all got together (minus Brynn). I requested the day off, and we talked about what we're going to do.

We're gonna throw a surprise party for her at a hotel. It's super fancy, not like, middle ages fancy, but modern fancy. It's gonna cost like eight hundred to get a pent house suite. It's actually cheap for a pent house, but it's still a lot for a bunch of under paid teenagers to be renting for the night. But it'll be worth it.

My plan is, Luke is going to take her to dinner and a movie, celebrating her birthday and their five months. Than afterward, he's going to take her to the party. And when they get there, everyone is gonna jumo out and yell surprise. Obviously. But it's going to be awesome, because the room is on the very top floor and there is an indoor pool and a huge balcony over looking Sydney. She's going to hate me at first, but will love me after about ten minutes into the party. I honestly can not wait.

I was going to do something like this for her last year because she turned eighteen and that's when you're legally aloud to drink, but I was only seventeen and had a budget. We still celebratedd though. But this is making up for what I couldn't do last year. And Shane is taking a special day and closing the shop. Brynn is going to think it's because Shane has to go out of town, but really, it's for her party.

This also makes up for the sweet sixteen she never had. Because you know, her parents couldn't afford one, and she hated her Mum anyway.

But the cutest part about the entire thing is Luke is gonna say this big long speach because they've been together for five months, though he might be drunk, it's going to be adorable.

But anyway, I have to get ready for work. Afterwards, I'm going to dinner with my lovely boyfriend. The first time we've hung out during the week since like two months ago.


"Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shannnee!" I groaned.

"What Lucy?" He laughed.

"What can I do? I already stocked the shelves and there is nobody here." I whined.

"Uhm, just chill I guess." He shurgged, lifting a heavy box.

"What's in the box?" I wondered.

"More inventory." He grunted, lifting it on to a shelf.

"Why aren't Brynn and I putting it on the shelves?" I pondered, playing with the hem of my shirt.

"Because, it's extra inventory for when we run out." He chuckled, wiping his hands on his pants. Shane always wears pants. Even when it above a hundred degrees outside. It kills me.

"Well, what is it?"

"I don't know. I think it's a combination of a bunch of different artists." He shrugged.

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