Chapter 18;

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"Hey Luce, how long have you and Ashton been going out?" My Mum asked, shuffling through the mail.

"Uhm, four months and a few days. Our four months was, wait, what day is it?" I pondered.

"It's September second." She nodded, pulling out the bills that are due this month.

"Okay, we've been going out for four months..a week..and one day." I smiled.

"I'm happy for you guys. Ashton is a great guy. Sorry for doubting you at the beginning." She sighed sincerely.

"It's okay." I shrugged with a smug blush on my cheeks.

"But I'm still sticking to what I said." She said firmly.

I rolled my eyes. Give it to my Mum to completely ruin the mood. Who was she to tell me I have to break up with Ashton when I go to university.

He just confessed his love to me, and I'm not ready to leave him.

Classes start in May. That's not nearly enough time for the both of us. We just started going out.

May is just eight months away. It seems like forever, but it'll be here and gone in the blink of an eye.

If I have to break up with Ashton a month after our one year, I might as well do it now because I don't want to be heart broken when classes start.

"I'm not breaking up with him Mum. He makes me happy." I stated.

"You will or I'm not paying for your tuition." She warned.

"You're only paying for half of it." I said, glaring at her.

"Up front. The other half I'm saving in the bank. You know what, if you wanna stay with Ashton while you're in university, then you can live with him. If you're going to live in my house, you are going to follow my rules!" She shouted at me.

"Fine! Because I'm not leaving him! He's the first person to actually love me! I'm NOT letting him out of my life. You think that I won't do good in university because of him? Well you're wrong! He wants me to pursue my career. He's in a band and they're always busy, and I'll be in school! So it's not like we're stopping eachother from doing what we want! We'll both be busy! He understands Mum!" I exclaimed, snatching my phone off the counter and running up stairs.

I ran into my room grabbing a tote bag from the door of my closet. I opened the doors to my closet and started grabbing shorts, T-shirts, and tank tops, shoving them into my bag.

I stalked over to my dresser and grabbed some bras and underwear, also shoving them in my bag.

I started grabbing lotion and perfume off my dresser, putting them in a separate bag.

I went and grabbed a couple bikinis from the bottom drawer in my dresser.

"Lucy. Please don't leave." I heard Jay mumble, stepping into my room.

"Jay", I sighed, "I'm obviously not wanted here. I'm a burden on Mum. I ruined her life because she had me when she was so young. So, I'm not staying somewhere I'm not wanted." I explained, walking over to give him a hug.

I wrapped in my embrace, feeling horrible for leaving him.

"But, what about our ice cream socials? What about the movies, what about Friday family game night? Luce, you're not a burden. I need you here. I love you Lucy." He sobbed.

I hadn't even noticed he was crying until I heard his sobs.

"Jay, I..I'll be back. I still have a house key. I'll be back in like a month. I just need some time away. I promise I'll still come and get you on Saturdays for our ice cream socials, and you can come to Brynn's house on Fridays for family game night. I'll invite Ashton, his friends, Harry, I'll just get a bunch of people there, because I love you too. I couldn't even ask for a better brother. Just promise me you won't tell Mum where I'm going. When she's away on business trips, I'll come get you, and we'll do whatever. It's summer, we'll go to the waterpark or something. I don't know." I shrugged, wiping the tears that managed there way out of my eyes. "I'll be back Jay." I whispered.

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