Chapter 12;

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It's been a week. Mine and Ashton's one month is vastly approaching. But, I still haven't spoken a word to him since last week when he asked if I had kissed Calum. My mum thinks I'm being to hard on him.

Jay is coming back tomorrow. So I guess that's exciting. We're seven years apart. I'm eighteen and he's eleven.

Anyway, work has been awkward since I'm still pretty pissed at Brynn for saying that. We talk. Occasionally. Shane and I still talk. We have no reason not to.

It's hard right now with my mum being gone all the time. Especially since Brynn, Ashton, and I aren't exactly on speaking terms.

I saw pictures of her and Luke hanging out the other day.

What's funny is, Brynn told me a while ago that she would be here when Jay came home. Because for some odd reason she missed him too. But tomorrow is her's and Luke's one month. I don't expect her to be here.

I wish I wasn't so stubborn. That way I could have someone to talk to. My boyfriend. Brynn. The boys. Anyone really.

My thoughts were interrupted by the noise of my microwave going off. The popcorn is done.

I'm home alone. Again.

My party was weird. Shane was there, but then like usual, a bunch of strangers were too. It was weird without Brynn. And shockingly, it was weird without Ashton who had only been to one of my other parties.

I normally throw one once a month. When my Mum is away.

But right now, I'm alone. And I'm gonna sit and watch a sappy love movie and probably cry myself into a nap.


*Brynn's POV*

Today's mine and Luke's one month. Neither of us had said I love you to eachother. But I'm not sure if either of us know if we do.

I know I like him, a lot. But I've never been truly in love. I don't know what it feels like.

Luke insists I don't wear anything nice for today because I always look beautiful, but I say he's full of shit.

So, now that I've showered, I'm gonna get dressed.


I'm wearing a pair of galaxy leggings, black combat boots, a white sleeveless button down, a leather jacket, and cross earrings. I also had a black bag.

My hair was shaggy and straight. My makeup up was normal. Eyeliner, mascara, and the normal smokey eye. I looked basic, but I guess that's what I am.

With it now being May, it's a lot more sunny out. Not that it wasn't last month, it just wasn't as intense.

Thankfully, it's not that hot today. Mid sixties. I threw on my sunglasses and walked out the door.

I pulled out my phone as I climbed in my car and dialed Luke's number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey babe, I'm on my way over." I uttered.

"Alright. I'll see you when you get here then. Be careful. Please." He begged.

"I will. I promise. I'll see you in a few." I say before hanging up and tossing my phone on the passengers seat.

I set my radio to the station I always listen to.

I pulled out of my driveway, keeping both hands on the wheel and my eyes on the road. I promised Luke I'd be safe, so, I have to be.


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