Chapter 24;

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January 18th, 2014

"Babe, what should we do?" Ash pondered.

"For what?"

"Calum's birthday. It's coming up you know? It's like next week."

My eyes widened before taking a deep breath. I nodded slightly trying to hide my nerves.

Ashton still doesn't know that Calum and I kissed.

And then, things didn't work out with him and Lucy. Which is obviously my fault.


"Are you alright? You seem, kind of, out of it." Ash said fervently.

"What? Oh, yea. I'm fine. Just thinking." I nodded.


"Calum." I uttered. "You know, thinking about what we're gonna do for his party!" I quickly covered up.

"Oh, alright. You just seem.. I don't know. Not yourself." He decided.

"Yea, I guess I'm not really. I think I'm coming down with a cold." I shrugged.

"That's sucks." He chuckled softly.

"Hey, I'm gonna go take a nap, but when I wake up, there's something I've gotta tell you." I mumbled, getting up from Ashton's couch.

"Alright, do you want me to wake you at a certain time, orrr.. Because Michael and I wanna go get this new game. Do I have time?" He grinned.

"Yea, of course. Go have fun. Just wake me when you get back." I softly nodded, before walking off towards his bedroom.


-Ashton's POV-

"What do you think she's gonna tell me?" I asked Michael.

We stopped and got some McDonalds and decided to eat inside, just cause.

"I think I may have a clue, but it's not my business in telling you." He shrugged, shoving a bunch of fries in his mouth.

"You can fucking tell me." I chuckled nervously.

What can everybody else know that I don't? Can it really be that bad that Michael can't even tell me?

"No. It's better she tells you. Ya know, honesty is the most important thing in a relationship." He nodded, biting his big mac.

"Shit, I'm worried." I sighed.

"Don't be, it's nothing huge. Well, kind of.." He made a face like, eh..yea, that's about right.

"Ask Brynn if you really wanna know man, she's an open book. But seriously, you'd might as well wait for Lucy. It's not the same coming from someone else." He encouraged.

"You're right. I'll wait. Plus, after this, I'm going home anyway." I shrugged.


I just dropped Michael off at home and I'm about to call Brynn.

I need to prepare myself for what Lucy's gonna tell me.

"Hello?" She chirped.


"What's up? Is Lucy alright?" She asked frantically.

"Yea, she's fine. It's just..I heard the news. Michael told me." I uttered.

"That bitch." She muttered. "Lucy was supposed to tell you!" She whined.

"Well, I kinda convinced it out of him." I mumbled.

"Oh, well okay. So, how do you feel about it?" She tsked.

"About what?" I pondered.

"You being a dad..?" She chuckled.

"What.? Lucy's...pregnant?" I asked shocked.

"You didn't...know that?" She asked panicked.

"No, I thought she was moving out." I whispered before hanging up.

Holy shit. I'm not ready to be a dad.


-Lucy's POV-

"Luce, wake up." A muffled noise spoke.

"Hmmm." I groaned.

"I'm home." The familiar voice rang through my ears.

I rolled over to see Ashton standing there, leaning against the bed frame for support.

"Hey babe." I mumbled.

"Hey. Well, I'm home now, so..." He nodded before walking off.

I sighed and sat up in bed. Ugh.

I yawned and stretched out the sleepyness.

He's gonna fucking hate me after this.

After sitting and debating on whether I wanna get out of bed or not, I decided I have to tell him no matter what.

I made my way down the hall that was only a few short steps earlier, but seemed like a lifetime now.

I found Ashton sitting at his kitchen table going through his phone.

"Hey baby." I said softly walking up and kissing his cheek.

"Hey." He said dully.

That's weird. It's almost as of...he's mad at me?

I took a seat in the chair next to his.

"So, there's something I've gotta tell you." I started.

"I know." He uttered.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yea, you told me you had somethin to tell me when I got back." He shrugged.

What's his issue?

"Right." I said taking a deep breath.

"You're pregnant."

"I kissed Calum."

We said at the same time.





*A/N Cliffhanger c; haha.

sorry this chapter took so long. It's been holiday break, and then I lost my phone, and that's what I was updating on, so I used my sisters phone. #sorrynotsorry

Haha, but yea. It's cool, I'm getting the iphone in like a week or two so no big deal.

But yea, comment and vote my loves ♡ mwahh.

P.S. comment .

P.S.S. sorry for grammar errors .

P.S.S.S. sorry the chapter is super short. It was gonna be longer, but I lost my train of though after I lost my phone.

I still love you guys ♡

Next chapter will be longer!

Okay, byee ♡

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