Chapter 1;

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There he was. Only a few steps across the room.

I started making my way through the crowd of lots people toward him.

"Lucy! Where are you going?" A friend of mine shouted in a drunken slur.

"To talk to someone." I uttered.

She shifted her head sideways, like she was confused. I waved her off and kept walking.

I was just approaching him, then he walked off in another direction.

I sighed and followed him to wherever he was headed.

He patted down the hallway toward the stairs. I was trying my best not to make it obvious I was following him.

He turned around and looked in my direction and I quickly turned away so he wouldn't think anything of it.

I peeked over my shoulder to see if he'd turned around.

He was continuing up the stairs, so I continued to follow him.

I got to the staircase and took a few steps.

"Lucy! Come here real quick!" Someone shouted from behind me. I groaned, rolling my eyes, and turned around.

I saw a vase on the ground shattered.

My eyes just about popped out of ny head and I got furious.

I stalked over to the shards and threw my hands in the air.

"How the hell did this happen?! My Mum is going to kill me!" I exclaimed.

"It was an accident Lucy, I promise! How much was it, I'll buy her another one!" Jarret stammered, pulling his wallet from his back pocket.

"It's two thousand dollars." I said blankly. His mouth formed an 'o' and he stuffed his wallet back in his pocket.

I rolled my eyes, stomping to the kitchen to grab the broom and dust pan.

I walked back to the mess only to find the mystery boy I've been tracking down, picking up shards.

A smile crept across my face as he looked up at me. His gorgeous green eyes linking with my big blue eyes.

"I came down here for a drink and saw the mess. Just figured I'd help." He sputtered in a thick Australian accent.

I huffed and walked over to the remaining glass.

"Thanks, but I can take it from here." I nodded.

"Are you sure? I don't mind helping." He shrugged, holding large pieces of glass in his hand.

"You can start by throwing the glass in your hands away." I chuckled. He looked down at his hands and laughed.

"Right. That might help a bit." He grinned, dimples on full display.

He stood up from his crouched spot on the ground, walking in the kitchen.

My friend Brynn walked up to me as I was sweeping up the remaining mess.

"Who is that fittie?" She gushed. My cheeks flushed a light pink as I shrugged. "He's a cutie." She smiled.

"I know. I'm still trying to figure out his name." I admitted, crouching to the ground to sweep the glass onto the dust pan. I stood up and looked at Brynn.

"If I were you, I'd hurry. Boys like him don't come around to often." She nodded, walking off with her drink in hand.

I chuckled and walked into the kitchen. I was looking down at the pieces of glass I collected in the dust pan. The sizes varied.

Just as I looked up, I found myself bumping into mystery boy again. All the glass fell out of the dust pan and on to the kitchen floor. I sighed.

"I'm so sorry!" He apologized. "Here, let me see that. I'll clean it up." He urged, grabbing at the broom.

I didn't argue, I just let him take it. Although, I kept the dust pan and squatted down so he could sweep the glass onto it.

Once he was finished I stood up, and our hands brushed. I quickly turned around so he couldn't see the bright blush on my cheeks.

I dumped the pile in the trash and spun around to grab the broom from mystery boy. I put the cleaning tools back.

"I'm so sorry." He apologized again, hands shoved in his pockets. He had this quirky grin spread across his lips revealing his dimples again.

I smiled back at him, softly laughing.

"It's alright. Accidents happen." I shrugged. He gave me the sweetest look before walking off.

I stood there blankly. What the hell just happened? He just left. Without even telling me his name!

I stood puzzled for a few more minutes before I took off sprinting to find him.

I ran up the stairs and checked all the bedrooms. No sign of mystery boy.

I knocked on the bathroom door. That same thick Australian accent was muffled though the door.

"It's occupied."

I leaned up against the wall next to the door waiting for him to come out. Instead I heard him mutter cuss words.

"Ow, dammit!" He cursed. A confused look took over my face.

I knocked on the door again.

"Can I come in?" I uttered. No sound came through.

I stepped back from the door a bit. I waited a few seconds until the door creeked open.

I slowly made my way in, witnessing a mess in my bathroom sink.

I walked closer to exam the scene.

"What happened?" I wondered.

"When I was picking up the glass, it cut open my finger. I came up here to clean it up and to see if you had a band-aid. I found some rubbing alcohol to clean it out, and it hurt real bad." He explained.

I rolled my eyes and took his large hand into my small one to exam his injury.

I looked up for just a second only to find mystery boy was already staring at me.

I looked back down at his cut, trying my best to hide the blush.

Keeping his hand in mine, I searched the shelves for my neosporin.

Once I found it, I grabbed the unopened band-aid that mystery boy had found, and ripped it open.

I squeezed a dab of neosporin onto the fabric part of band-aid then wrapped it around mystery boys index finger.

Without making eye contact, I started to clean up the mess, mystery boy shortly joining in.

Everything was cleaned up except the neosporin. Mystery boy and I reached for it at the same time, our hands touching again. The feeling in the pit of my stomach the same each time.

Our hands still touching, I started to scan his body starting at his feet.

He was wearing basic black vans, and black skinnys. My eyes lurking a bit higher. He was also wearing a black Nirvana tshirt.

I looked a bit higher at his face. His shaggy hair was swept to the right.

My eyes traveled down a bit to look at his soft lips. They were curved up into a soft smile.

Mystery boy took his free hand and placed it under my chin and tilted my face up making my bright blue eyes meet with his kiwi green ones.

What happened next completely caught me off guard. He leaned down, closing the space between us.

For just meeting this guy today, the butterflies in my stomach were unacceptable.

He pulled away, our foreheads still touching, his eyes burning into mine.

"My name's Ashton." He breathed quietly.



*A/N First chapter with many more to come (: comment, vote, love it! <3

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