Chapter 14;

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It's May twenty-second. Two days before mine and Ashton's one month.

Harry and Jay actually became very good friends. Harry came to my house for the weekend, and I went to Ashton's house for the weekend.

I'm surprised my Mum was okay with the idea. Anytime before, she would've flipped a tit.

I think it's because she actually likes Ashton over the other douche's I've dated.

Brynn and Luke have been doing good. Since he confessed his love for her.

I'm not sure what Ashton has planned for me for our one month. I don't really wanna do anything special. I mean, we've been together for a month. It's nothing worth spending a bunch of money on. In my opinion anyway.

I just wanna hang out at either mine or his house, cook a meal together, watch a movie in someone's room, and fall asleep in eachother's arms. That's not to much to ask, is it?

Anyway, right now it's Wednesday and I'm getting ready for work. The bad thing about our one month landing on a Friday, is the shop is closed on Thursday, and because there's only three of us, it's mandatory for all of us to work on Friday.


"Just shut up. Seriously." I muttered, putting CD's in there correct spot.

"Uhm, excuse me. I'm a customer." The grumpy old lady grumbled.

"Yes, ma'am, I know. And I'm sorry. It's just, it's obvious I'm in the middle of something, and there are two more workers right over there, not doing a thing." I explained, picking up the box of misplaced CD's and moving on to the next genre.

She rolled her eyes and followed me around the corner.

"All I asked was a simple question. If you work here, it should not be that hard to answer it." She nodded in a sophisticated manner.

I took a deep breath and counted to ten mentally. This usually helped calm me down.

But not today.

"Ma'am, just go ask Brynn. She's the one over there with the light brownish blonde hair. I'm not in that field." I ushered, grabbing my box and hurried to the break room.

Shane had made his way in there after me.

"Having a bad day?" He guessed.

"It's just the customers. They're being very irritating." I groaned.

"Well, it's only a couple more hours until closing." He half smiled.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a hug.

"I know Shane. Thank you." I huffed a laugh before leaving the break room.

But before I completely left, I glanced back at Shane. He had a strange look on his face. Almost like satisfaction. Like he had just won a marathon.


"Lucy!" Mum called from down stairs.

"What mother?" I yelled, in the middle of doing and online research paper. It's part of the program for college. Summer work.

"Will you come here a minute?"

I grunted as I pushed myself up from my bed. I hurried downstairs.

"What Mum?" I said impatiently.

I hadn't really looked at her, being irritated in all, but when I did, I noticed Ashton standing next to her with a bouquet of colorful tulips.

"What are you doing here? It's ten in the morning. You never wake up before noon. Are you feeling alright?" I questioned walking up to him and touching his forehead.

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