Chapter 2;

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Chapter 2;

"I don't know Brynn! He just kissed me!" I giggled into the receiver of my cell phone.

"Just out of no where?!" She wondered.

"Yea, and the way he was looking in my eyes, was, just, oh my." I breathed.

"Did you ever find out his name?" She questioned.

"Ashton." I fluttered.

"Cute name." She laughed.

"It really is." I urged.

"Did you get his number?" She asked out of curiosity.

"No. He never gave it to me. Or even asked for mine." I sighed.

"Lucy! I need you to come help me!" My Mum shouted from downstairs.

"Hey, listen Brynn, my mom just got home. We'll talk later, alright?" I pursued.

"Of course we will." She chuckled.

"Ok, talk later." I chirped. With that I hung up and sprinted downstairs to help my Mum with all the groceries.


-Next Day-

I was walking around with Brynn in the park eating frozen yogurt.

"Well if you didn't get his number, how are you guys supposed to talk?" Brynn wondered shoving a spoon full of chocolate ice cream in her mouth.

"I have no idea. I guess we weren't supposed to talk after that." I shrugged with a sigh.

"No, you guys were definitely meant to be together. You're so cute!" She cheered.

I rolled my eyes as we continued to walk around in silence.

"Hey, isn't that him over there?" Brynn uttered slapping my arm.

"Stop hitting me!" I exclaimed.

"Look over there!" She spat pointing in the direction of two guys.

I squinted my eyes trying to focus my vision on the brunette to see his face.

"Yes! That is him!" I freaked.

"Let's go talk to him!" Brynn suggested.

"No! That'll just look desperate." I uttered.

"Fine. Let's go sit on the swings." She decided.

"Yea, let's go!" I smiled.

Brynn and I threw away our leftover ice cream and ran to the swings.

Even though we're both eighteen, we're the biggest little kids you'll ever meet.

We started swinging, making it a competition to see who could get the highest fastest.

"I'm so gonna win!" Brynn bragged.

"So you think!" I tested, pumping my legs harder.

"Lucy!" Someone shouted.

I turned my head around to see who was calling my name and found Ashton and his friend waving at me.

I dug my heels in the ground to slow down. Once I was slowed down enough, I jumped off the swing.

I walked over to them and waved Brynn over.

"Hey cutie." Ashton greeted.

I blushed and shyly waved at him.

"Why are you all shy now?" He wondered.

"I'm not. Who's you're friend?" I wondered.

"I'm Luke." He smiled sticking his hand out for me to shake it.

I shook his hand. Then he shook Brynn's hand.

"I'm Lucy." I smiled.

"And I'm Brynn." She blushed.

I gave her a funny look. Something is going to spark between those two.

"What are you doing up at the park?" Ashton wondered. That same thick accent sending shivers down my spine.

"Uh, Brynn and I were just going for a walk. We didn't expect to run into you." I admitted.

"I didn't expect to see you either." He huffed a laugh.

"Yea. So what are you guys doing here?" I wondered.

"Well, we just came up here to hang out."

"Oh, alright. Well, we should get going." I nodded.

Brynn and I started walking off.

"Hey Lucy!" Ashton shouted.

I turned around to face him. He waved me over to him.

"Yes?" I uttered reapproaching him.

"I never got your number." He spoke, pulling out his phone.

"Yea, I know." I shrugged.

"Well, can I get it?" He laughed.

"Uhmmmm, sure." I smirked.



*A/N chapter twoooo :D lushton! Or ashy? Lmao. I dunno. WE NEED A SHIP NAME FOR THEM! AND ONE FOR THE SPARKING ROMANCE BETWEEN LUKE AND BRYNN. That is all. (: VOTE , COMMENT , LOOOVE IT c;

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