Chapter 38.

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It's been a week since Ashton and I rejuvenated our sex life. We haven't had sex since, but I'm still coming down from that high.

"Babe." Ashton mumbled from his spot next to mine in his bed.

"Yeess." I coo.

"What fucking time is it?" He groaned.

"Time to wake up." I uttered.

"Well fuck. Thanks for the wonderful information." He says sarcastically, pushing himself up so that he's sitting.

"It's eleven." I inform him.

"Thank you." He smiles, kissing my cheek. "The boys and I have some band stuff to do. If that's alright."

"Of course. I'll call Brynn over."

He grabs his clothes out of his dresser and leaves the room. I grab my phone from next to me and call Brynn.


"Luke and I are fighting."


"We don't fight that often."

"Uhm, yes you do. I feel like everytime we talk you guys are fighting."

"Well, he called me a bitch."

"For what reason?"

"Because he asked my opinion on something, so I told him and he flipped shit on me. So fuck him." Brynn shrugged.

Our waitress brought us our food and we dove right in.

"So, how has it been since you've been in remission?" Brynn wondered, dipping a fry in her ketchup and eating it.

"I'm still a little weak. Sometimes it hurts to be out and about. Like last week, Ashton and I had sex for the first time in such a long time, and I felt like I had so much power because I just found out I was cancer free. The next day however, I was in so much pain. I had to rest all day. It was worth it though." I nodded.

Brynn smirked and continued to eat.

"Well, the pain will go away as you continue moving your muscles and what not."

"Yea, I know. So what are you gonna do about Luke?" I questioned.

"It'll probably just blow over as always. I don't know." She murmured.

"I feel like, I don't know, I feel like you guys should talk. Because it's not okay that he would call you that." I frowned.

"I know. I'm just fearful that he'll... it's nothing. I'll talk to him." She sighed.

This was weird. I could feel the vibes she was giving off, and it gave me the chills. I didn't like this feeling, so I know for damn well something is up.

"What's going on with you guys?"

"Nothing, he just yells a lot. For no reason."

"Brynn, is he hitting you?" My stomach dropped as I asked, afraid of the answer.

"Oh no, hell no. I would drop his sorry ass in a heart beat if he ever even thought of hitting me. No, he just gets so agitated so easily. Now tonight, it'll be fine when he comes home. Because he spent time with the boys, and I got to spend some time with you."

"Okay good. If he ever lays his hands on you, you need to let me know."

"I will. But, anyway, how's Ashton?"

"Still a smart ass. Still love him just as much as ever. If not more. He's the love of my life Brynn. I'd be so broken if he yelled at me like Luke yells at you. I'm sorry, I just don't like that."

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