Chapter 14

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I caught my breath looking up at Blayne who was watching me intently "w-why did you?"

He looked confused "why did I do what?" He asked evenly.

I couldn't help but blush, "why did you kiss me?" I shook my head, raising my hand "scratch that, I don't care. Don't do it again!" I said firmly.

Blayne raised his brow in surprise, stepping towards me again. That heat ignited.

"No!" I half yelled. "Don't come near me." I was very close to panicking, I didn't understand why my body reacted, I don't know why I felt things for him, but I know I don't want to. It wasn't anything important!

I looked at Blaynes face finally and seen the hurt and unease in his eyes. "Akira, please listen. This, what we have is special" he smiled softly, which sent butterflies through me.

"I think you best leave now. Its.. it's too soon, I can't. I just can't!" I panted it out, feeling breathless.

He had apparently seen my panic, and though it was clear he was fighting himself he turned and walked to the door, "I will always be here for you." And he left.

I sat on the bed, breathing deeply, putting my hand over my beating heart, hoping to calm it. He cant he, he just cant! I cant do it. I will only be hurt!! I scdeamed to myself, but another voice deep down said what i was trying to deny Hes your mate stupid, it cant juat be turned on and off at will!! You need him, and ge needs you. Its the plus of a mate.

I shook my head and laid back on the bed, acidently falling asleep.


Blaynes POV:

I stood on the other side of Akiras door for a food while, then I walked away to get peace as I thought.

I found Thomas, "Thomas, I'm going out. Mind-link me if something happens." I didn't give him time to reply.

I was out the door in three strides, yanking my cloths off the closer I got to the forest. Soon I shifted and ran for a food few hours.

Her denying me had hurt almost unbearably, I didn't realize that it would feel this way, I can already feel myself falling in love with her. My mate he tested it out in his mind, and made a wolfish grin in his wolf form.

She will come around, I will prove that I am what she needs right now. She needs me just as badly as I need her. I won't let her go.

He had made the pain dim some with his determination, but it was still there and only Akira, my mate could cure it.

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