Chapter 3: Spring of Awakening

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As Horologram hit his limit, he transported Lucy safe above the pit. Lucy thanked him and he returned to the Spirit World. She tried to close Aries gate but it did not close. Aries and the so called Fairy Tail's strongest team still lay unconcious or rather sleeping, on the bottom of the pit.

"I'm so sorry Aries, it's my fault that you are stuck here, " Lucy said in a sad voice. "I promise I'll get everyone out of here."

She recalled the inscriptions.

"Flower's wrath in the first line meant that it is the flowers giving off the sleeping subtance; the second meant I have to look for water, maybe a spring or stream in the middle of the island; the third and fourth meant that I have to pour the water to them so that they would awaken. I see!" Lucy contemplated.

She summoned Crux and did the necessary researches she needed. Then she set out alone to the heart of the island. Luckily, the island is not that big. After an hour of walking and running simultaneously, Lucy reached a spring with shining waters. It looked so delicious that she suddenly felt so thirsty. She was about to fetch a drink when inscriptions suddenly appeared. It said:

Touch the water and you'll die
Among with your friends you' ll drown in ire
Less you'll give enough radiance and fire
Then awaken the land and let the waters cry.

"Another of these confusing lines and I might faint," Lucy said. "I'm glad I've read thousands of books. Atleast I know I have to decipher these lines."

Suddenly vines tangled around her ankles and it pulled her upside down. "Who dares to interupt my sleep?" A hollow voice resounded. Lucy found herself face to face with a monster made of vines. Though it looked like a tree with many branches. It was dark green and it has pointy-scary eyes and a wide mouth with thorn-like teeth. It was about 16 feet tall. And he really has lots of vines tangling about, maybe it's his hair or so.

"Kyaaa, put me down!" Lucy shrieked. The monster shook her and her keys fell down. Her whip was thrown farther away. She is helpless now.

"Do you intend to steal my little spring? No one will get this water away from me. It's mine and only mine. I don't intend on sharing. Those who dare to let it flow away from me will die!"

"What are you talking about? I'm just going to get a little to awaken my friends so put me down."

"You did not understand what is inscribed there do you? It clearly says letting this spring flow away from me to the pit. Stupid humans!"

"Kyaaa.... put me down already!" Lucy yelled. 'That is what it meant? I thought it would be something deeper,' she thought.

"I'm going to eat you human, " the monster said as he opened his mouth and dragged Lucy into it.


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